Damon's POV

"Of course sweetheart. Are you sure everything is ok?" I ask her, not liking the way she is acting right now but not knowing what I can do about it.
"Yeah, I'm ok. I just need some sleep." She answers me, grimly.
"Ok then. Goodnight and sleep tight. I'll see you in the morning," I tell her.

I watch Kayla closely and she completely takes me off guard when she comes over to me, wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight. She only ever hugs me after a 'you know what'.
"Goodnight Dad, I love you!" She says before walking over to Stefan.
"Goodnight uncle Stefan, I love you too!" I hear her tell him whilst hugging him.
"Love you too, Kayla," Stefan replies looking to me for answers.

I am completely gobsmacked! Did Kayla really just call me Dad? And I wasn't be accident either. I come back to my senses just before Kayla leave's the room.
"Kayla," I call to get her attention. "I love you too, baby girl! Never forget that!" She grants me a small smile and a nod of her head before turning away and leaving the kitchen.

Stefan and I exchange glances, it seems that both of us are too shocked to speak. I listen intently for the sound of Kayla's door closing behind her. When I do, my attention is solely on my brother.
"Stefan?" I say his name and nothing more. He shrugs his shoulders in response, no more wiser than I am.

"I'm worried Stefan." I eventually tell him. "Something isn't right."
"I know, Damon."

Kayla's POV

I know it is totally out of character for me to act the way I did just then, but I needed them to know that I do love them. I don't want to die without them knowing how I feel about them.

Taking a seat at my desk, I pull out some paper and a pen. I'm going to write a quick letter to them so they know how I truly feel. I can't say it to their face as they would know what I am planning and stop me.

The letter


Dear Dad, Uncle Stefan, Uncle Nic and Grandpa Elijah.

I am so sorry to have to leave you all this letter, but it is the only way. I can't have any of you getting hurt, or even worse, killed because of me.

I am handing myself over to Mary to protect you all. I know what will happen to me when she has me, but I'm ok with that.

I have thought this through and it's what I want to do, so please don't any of you blame yourselves for my decision. There is nothing any of you could have done to stop me, my mind is made up.

Please know that I love you all. I am so glad that I got to meet you and I'm also glad for the little time we have had together! I am proud to be a part of you all.

Please take care of each other for me? And please stop the hate you have for one another. You are all family through me, so even though I won't be around anymore, you are still sort of family.

I hope things can go back to the way they was before I turned up on your doorsteps. Please don't forget me?

I love you all!

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