Make a Wish

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"And then... the date ended with a kiss. A chaste and romantic kiss. It made me feel like a lovestruck schoolboy again," Gu Seung-jun was saying, embellishing his story with a sad sigh.

"Oh, come off it, Gu Seung-jun," Seri scoffed, topping up the soju glass in front of him. "You? Lovestruck? You'll probably be pining away at another tall, mysterious beauty next week."

Seung-jun gave her an uncharacteristically somber look. Without a word, he took the glass she had just refilled and knocked the soju back. Seri's eyes rounded in surprise – she hadn't even let go of the soju bottle down on the table yet, so she topped off his glass again. "You're telling me it's serious?"

"When it comes to matters of business, you know me all too well. But when it comes to my romantic life..." he shook his head sadly, turning his glass on the table in front of him. "You don't know me at all, Yoon Seri."

It was three days after Ri Jeong-hyeok's revelation, during which Seri had yet to contact him. She had holed up in her apartment, working from home and ordering takeaway food. Tonight was the first time she had ventured out. It was for a business dinner that had been arranged eons ago, back when she had still been Chairwoman of Queen's Group. The dinner between her, Seung-jun and the son of a big-shot factory owner had been left in their calendars, and somehow no one involved had cancelled. Seri had thought of cancelling, but today, of all days, she didn't want to spend alone.

So here she was, drinking at the dinner table with Seung-jun. They had both agreed to meet earlier than the agreed time to share a drink. That, in addition to the factory owner's son being late due to a last-minute meeting, meant that they had ample time to drink and wallow in the mutual sorrow of their romantic interests leaving for North Korea.

"That bad?" Seri said sympathetically. She raised her glass. "Here, geonbae. To our broken hearts."

He clinked his glass against hers and they downed the shots.

"Maybe we should make some sort of a pact. Like in those movies. If we're still single at the age of 40, we should just marry each other," Seri said, only half-jokingly.

Seung-jun frowned, shaking his head as if it was the most preposterous suggestion he had heard from her yet. His cheeks were already taking on a reddish tinge. He was a lightweight drinker compared to Seri. "Me? And you?" He began shaking his head more fervently.

"What? Why not? I would be a catch for the likes of you, Gu Seung-jun! I'm smart and capable. I have my own money. I might not actually be young and rich when we're 40, but I guarantee I would still look it. I admit I might not be the best housewife material, but I'm sure cooking and such is easy enough to learn. If not, I could just hire a cook."

Seung-jun had rolled his eyes to the ceiling, as if in deep thought. "And if you're such a catch, why would you be marrying shabby old me at the age of 40? I'm sure there would be better prospects lining up outside your office door."

Seri narrowed her eyes and considered before finally conceding. "You have a great point."

"Speaking of which, here comes one of them." Seri turned around to see the factory owner's son approaching their table with an apologetic wave.

They ordered food as soon as he sat down. Although Seri's stomach had been growling for food the whole time, she found it hard to focus on the conversation and the meal. The text messages that Ri Jeong-hyeok had been sending her kept popping up in her mind – unassuming questions which she knew he had written in a way as to not be pushy. Small updates about his day. Then that gentle suggestion: let's talk when you're ready.

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