Moving On

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It had been a while since Gu Seung-jun had visited the Seri's Choice headquarters. Other than the long hours he spent at Queen's Group, Seung-jun had spent his time doing errands and chores at Seo Dan's apartment. Not what most people would describe as an enjoyable way to spend one's free time, but the little smile that pulled the corners of Seung-jun's mouth upwards would say otherwise. Seo Dan was still frosty and acerbic, but he knew she was warming up to him beneath all that.

It had also been a while since he had seen Ri Jeong-hyeok. Seung-jun was surprised to not to find the man towering before Seri's office door when he arrived. He had assumed that Jeong-hyeok's absence was due to his overzealousness at work.

After a few sharp raps on the door, he entered Seri's office to find it as picturesque as ever, with its magazine-ready décor and the infamous wall of cacti. Seri herself was frowning at her computer screen behind the desk, as impeccably groomed as ever with her shiny sweep of hair and tailored clothing. "You know the polite thing to do is to wait for an invitation before entering someone's office, right?" she said without looking up.

Seung-jun flopped onto one of the sofas, draping his arms over the top. He really should replace the hard chairs in his office with one of these. "I like to think we're beyond politeness," he commented.

"We might be if you weren't too busy to see me. How long has it been, Seung-jun ssi?" Seri asked nonchalantly.

"Uwa, do you know why I've been too busy?" Seung-jun sat up and said defensively. "Your brother Yoon Se-hyung has been a pain in the ass since he became Chairman. He fights every tiny little change I want to make, and he has known most of the board members for longer than I have. It isn't easy to sway them to my side. Aigo, my life has been a nightmare for the past few weeks," Seung-jun slapped a hand dramatically on his forehead. "What do you say we think up some ways to oust him?"

Seri finally looked up from her computer screen. She didn't react as enthusiastically as he expected, instead leaning back on her chair and crossing her arms as she mulled the suggestion. "I don't know that I have any dirt on him right now."

Seung-jun frowned at her sombre response. "What's with you? I thought you would be over the moon at the prospect of kicking a Son family member's butt."

"I suppose I should be. I don't know why..." Seri seemed troubled now, her usually smooth forehead crinkled into a frown. "It was just... since that Cho Cheol-gang incident, my perspective on life has shifted somewhat. You know what my omma said to me once? 'If you let go of your greed, we could have an easy relationship like a real mother and daughter.' I resented her so much for that comment, but now... it's not that I agree with her, but perhaps I was being greedy with Queen's Group."

Discomfited at seeing the glossy Yoon Seri revealing any sense of vulnerability, Seung-jun forced himself not to reply right away. His instinct was to object and say that she wasn't being greedy, both to reassure Seri and to protect his position as CEO, but Seung-jun tamped down the urge and gave it some thought.

"Greediness isn't always a bad thing. Speaking from experience," he added with a grin, which Seri couldn't help but smile at, albeit with a roll of the eyes.

"You of all people shouldn't be giving me advice," she remarked, standing from her desk to join him, taking the armchair adjacent to his sofa.

"Look, obviously I'd want you to help me oust Yoon Se-hyung. But I also know how important family is."

Seri gave a small nod. "Let me think about it."

"By the way," Seung-jun looked around the room, just in case Ri Jeong-hyeok was tucked away in a corner somewhere. "Where is Mr. Bodyguard? Or any of the other bodyguards? It's looking very bare in here."

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