Part I

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Long fingers moved gracefully through the air, the moonlight making the pale skin glow softly. Sharp, aristocratic features were decked in the shadows as fingers continued to flex, pink lips curled up in to a pleased smirk as the fingers brushed over a perfectly straight nose and ran through dark hair, and red eyes gazed down on the kneeling man before him.

"You have done well, Severus, your potion has been a success," Lord Voldemort said softly, his voice no longer a hiss, but a smooth baritone that was rich and seductive.

"I live to serve you, My Lord."

"Return to the old man, Severus, speak nothing of this."

"As you wish, My Lord," the potions master swept away leaving the Dark Lord alone. He rose and left for his chambers, as he walked through the corridors he made note to have the mirrors restored. Lord Voldemort had always been a vain man, he had always been held his looks in high regard and he had been furious to discover the side effect of his resurrection ritual. He could not stand to look at himself in the mirror, it was a foul mirage of what he used to be and so he destroyed each mirror in a fit of rage. But he had, reluctantly, accepted it as a price of power and a form, so when Severus had approached him with the idea of a restorative potion he had leapt at the chance. Of course, he had cursed him for being presumptuous, but he was inclined to forgive his oversight for the wonderful results. The Dark Lord reached his rooms and looked in the mirror, oh yes he would definitely forgive Snape for his forwardness. Sharp jaw line, high cheek bones, arched eyebrows, straight nose with a slight upturn, pale, unblemished skin, rich dark hair and glowing crimson eyes; the face of Tom Marvolo Riddle gazed back at him.

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