Kallistê's Return (EDITED)

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Her outfit, minus the cane

It's been years since I left... I've been informed by George what has been happening at the Joestar household. But, it seems Dio and JoJo have been getting along well, according to George. Apparently, they have joined a sport of some kind, I hope to make it in time to watch their game.

George is the reason I am returning, he has become sick in the past week. I am returning to see if I can figure out what it is.

I have yet again, failed to find my mate. Why I can't find them, is a mystery. Maybe I'm moving around too much, maybe I'm not looking hard enough, or they are not born yet, I do not know. I've have finally given up on trying to find them, and will now permanently be staying in the Joestar household.

I'm in the middle of London, walking down the streets, when I bump into a gentleman with blonde hair. I turn to him,"My apologies, I did not see you there." "That's quite alright, mi'lady. I apologise, I wasn't paying much attention myself." I smile,"Well, how about we exchange names and say neither of us need to apologise?" He smiles and tips his hat,"Might as well. Names Robert E. O. Speedwagon, mi'lady." I smile and nod,"My name is Kallistê."

"Well, Kallistê, I hope we meet again soon." I nod,"I would hope so too. Now, please excuse me, I don't want to be late to a sport my friends son's are playing in." He smiles and walks away as I turn in the direction of the place I believe the game JoJo and Dio are playing is in.

Two days later, I finally arrive and see a building with shade under it. I walk that way and see JoJo catch the ball. I lean against the building, as I hear,"Interception! The ball is plucked out of the air by our hero... Jonathan Joestar!" JoJo lands and starts running to the goal yelling. The announcer shouts,"Joestar, a gentle giant at 195 centimeters, sprints for the try zone with a spirited roar. Can he win this, the last game of his university career?" He keeps running as someone tries to tackle him, but he doesn't fall, he keeps going. I zone out on the announcer and watch JoJo keep going as many people try to tackle him till it gets too much, he has to throw the ball.

He throws it, I watch the ball to see who catches it. I see blonde hair and pale skin,"Dio." I mumbled with a small smirk. Dio catches it, lands and begins to run. Two people try to tackle him, but he's too quick for them, so they face plant the ground. I watch as he continues running as many people try to tackle him but he dodges each one. He makes it to the try line, winning the game as the crowd cheers. I smile and clap for them, scaring the people around me who didn't notice me there. I smile in apology to them and turn in the direction of the Joestar Manor.


I arrive and see servants running around the Manor. They look and see me. They all pause until they shouted my name and ran towards me to hug me. I giggle and allow them to hug me. I nod to all of them to return to work and go to my room. I enter and set my sword and bag down. I sit in the chair in my room and read a book until I heard someone running to George's room. A long pause of silence, then I hear footsteps but like they are walking. I recognize them as one of the servants. I go back to reading for a little while.

A little while later, I hear several footsteps heading to George's room, I recognize two of them as JoJo and Dio. I look up as my door handle jiggles but it's never opened as I hear Dio say,"JoJo, we must go tell Father of our win today. We cannot keep him waiting. Kallistê most likely isn't here yet. We shall see her later today." There's a pause when I hear their footsteps become quieter. I smirk thinking of a way to surprise them, I set my book down and head to my door. I open the door and walk out till I find a servant. I approach him and smile,"Excuse me, but can you do something for me?" He turns with a smile until he sees my face, he paused as his face gets red. I grow confused as I wave my hand in front of his face,"Um, excuse me?" He snaps out of and and chuckles nervously,"My apologies, what is it you need, Miss?"

"No, need for that, just call me Kallistê. You must be new?" He nods,"Yes mi- I mean, Kallistê. My name is Damien, it's a pleasure." He bows and stands straight back up. "Now, for my favor, can you go into George's room and tell him he has a guest?" He smiles and nods,"Yes, I can do that." He walks up the stairs and I follow.

George, Dio and JoJo were in the middle of talking when Damien knocks on the door. We hear a quiet,"Come in." Damien opens the door and walks in first, he bows and says"Sir, you have a guest who wishes to see you." I walk in after he says that and look up at George. He's pale as the snow and looks sickly.

I rush to his bedside and grab his hand; he immediately knows who I am. He smiles,"So I see you have been receiving my letters. It's good to see you." I nod and whisper,"It's good to see you too." "Who are you?" I hear Dio ask. I turn to look at him,"Well, I know I've changed outfits but I didn't think you'd forget I'd be coming back." JoJo gasps and smiles,"Kallistê!" I pull my hood down and smile at JoJo,"Hello, JoJo." I hear Dio gasp as I turn to see why he is so quiet. "Dio, is something the matter?" He hesitates with flushed cheeks,"N-no. Nothing is wrong."

I look at them both,"I came and watched some of your sport today. I watched how you won and your excellent teamwork. I'm very proud of both of you." I say with a smile. They both smile at me; both have different meanings. JoJo's of a son who just got praised by his Mother and Dio.... It's unreadable to me, for I have never seen that emotion on his face. Granted, I wasn't there for long after I had met him, but in that little time I've only ever seen a scowl, anger, hate, and a cocky smirk. This facial expression is soft....maybe he did change?

Sorry I had cut this one short I'm sleepy and have a migraine, plus, I felt if I added anymore onto it, I would mess it up. Anywho, I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I had been on break and been busy for the past week or so, I think it was two. Marching Band and school keeps me busy (〒﹏〒). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, love you guys and I hope you have a good day/night!

(EDITED) I had just realized my mistake and went back to fix it. Bye now!

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