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Odin walked onto the marble stage, where a crowd gathered below. All of Asgard came to witness the welcoming of the new Phoenix. "Welcome, my people!" Odin held up his arms and called to the crowd. "We are here to welcome the new Phoenix!" He exclaimed. Frigga and Thor walked out and stood beside Odin. Odin whistled.

    Felix had already transformed into her Phoenix form, and was perched on the top of the Royal Palace. She heard the whistle, and glided down over the crowd. Many crowd members marveled at the way her fiery feathers rippled, and blazing orange in her eyes. She landed gracefully by Odin, and the crowd burst into cheers.

    Felix shrank so she was the size of a large parrot, and perched on Odin's hand. He smiled, before lifting her up so the crowd could see. He placed a special dot on the back of her neck, which kept her in her Phoenix form while she was on Asgard, unless she was hurt.

    She stretched her wings, and let out a call to the sky. The crowd cheered again, this time louder. The Phoenix was sacred to Asgard, and the Phoenix was known as Odin's companion. Once they found each other, they were very close. But the Phoenix still had freedom to roam, and would often leave for a while.

    After the ceremony, Odin brought Felix to the Royal Palace. They had a large feast, and Felix watched them, perched on a golden rod. A servant gave her some small pieces of sulfur, which she quickly pecked up. She puffed out her feathers before folding her wings behind her back and snuggling into her perch. Odin looked at her and smiled; he had found his new Phoenix.

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