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Felix walked through the streets of New York City, long red hair in a french braid behind her. She had a black windbreaker on, with a long-sleeve indigo v-neck, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. She had her house keys in her pocket, along with her phone and wallet.

    She arrived back at her apartment. For being 15 years old, in Phoenix and human years, she was pretty independent, and even worked at a local food banquet. She also worked as a language translator, whenever people came in, speaking languages such as russian, spanish, norwegian, german, romanian, or french. Everyone she worked with loved her energy, and always looked out for her. She knew if she ever needed help with human problems, she could go to them.

    She set down her keys and wallet on her kitchen counter, and flopped onto the couch, checking her social media. She heard the door handle rattle, and jumped up, grabbing a knife she always keeps handy since she lives in the sketchy part of New York City.

    She froze when the door busted down, and three large men with huge guns barged in, locking eyes with her. "Boss wants you, phoenix." One of the men sneered. Felix froze. "Don't you mean Felix? I'm definitely no Phoenix." Felix tried to convince them otherwise in vain. "Nice try, but you're coming with us." The man pointed the gun at Felix as she turned and jumped out of the third-story window.

    She landed on the sidewalk below and rolled before jumping up and running. "Out of the way!" She yelled to the bypassers. She ran through alleyways, trying to lose them. But they kept following her, whether by foot or by vehicle. She turned into Times Square, to see it crowded and busy, like always, and smirked.

    She weaved through the people, occasionally apologizing for bumping into someone. But the pursuers were still hot on her trail. She was becoming tired, and attempted to find somewhere to hide. She saw a booth with cloaks, and slyly snatched one, slipping it over her small head and body.

    She slowed, and made her way over to an outdoor diner, walking on the sidewalk. She was almost away from the public and into an alleyway when she suddenly bumped into someone. She looked up, and gulped. There stood Bucky Barnes, and Natasha Romanoff. "Sorry!" She said apologetically, noticing the pursuers' presence behind her. "That's okay, sweetheart. Are you okay?" Nat knelt down, asking. Felix knew that Nat could sense something was wrong.

    "No. There are some men following me, and I don't know why. They're trying to take me." Felix answered shakily. Nat looked up and locked eyes with one of the men, who were dangerously close. "One more step, and I will permanently hurt you." Bucky snarled. The man froze, but walked forward again when his buddies met up with them. "Sorry to bother, we are just trying to bring in my boss's daughter. Just picking her up from school. She got a little confused." The man tried to say.

    "Oh really?" Nat said, charming them. The man nodded nervously. "Well, you wouldn't mind if we accompanied you then?" Nat asked. "We can take care of it." The man answered calmly. "You are lying. You really shouldn't be trying to kidnap innocent children, you know." "Just give us the kid." Another one of the men snarled. "No can do, buddy. She's with us now. Good day, gentlemen." Bucky nodded before ushering Felix away. Felix turned back and made a face at them before following the two Avengers.

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