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Geminis good and bad traits?

A little anxiety is good but a lot of it can be disastrous. Geminis tend to get overly anxious about any important event of their life and this is the reason that they aren't able to perform their best under pressure. Geminis will generally judge others on basis of superficial information.

They surprisingly have a bad temper and you never know when they will erupt because they switch on a dime when angered. Usually the peace makers, when cornered they won't mind giving you a piece of their mind when enraged with hurtful words because Geminis can make you feel hurt just by saying painful stuff that they had kept to themselves for too long so listen if you can when they get angry cause they speak of everything you've done with them unfair.

Gemini is infamous for being inconsistent in whatever they do. Because of their changeable character, the others find it hard to understand them; also, they may face some problems in romantic relation. Those born under this sign tend to move on quickly when involving in any issue.

#1: Adaptable

Geminis are easy-going and adjustable. They're willing to try anything at least once, so do not play truth or dare with them, you're going to lose. They'll be happy to go along with any plan and will likely plan some fun adventures. Your craziest stories will involve your Gemini friends. One of Gemini's biggest blessings in life is their ability to adapt to new situations. They are naturally well-adjusted and when new circumstances come along, they're generally able to cope well. It may bring out new energies in them, but this is not necessarily a bad thing.

They're also very flexible and able to change on a dime. Spoiled plans won't ruin their day; they'll just think of something better to do. Make sure to enlist your Gemini friend's help planning parties since they'll often come up with the best ideas.

#2: Outgoing

Geminis are typically enthusiastic, social beings. They're the life of the party—talkative, but not annoyingly chatty. They always have something interesting to say. They're never just having a boring conversation about the weather; they're usually partaking in deep conversations about life. Geminis make great wingmen, wing women, or wing people because they easily strike up conversations with strangers. Be careful, though, they might outshine you!

#3: Intelligent

The reason Geminis always have interesting things to say is that they're highly intelligent. They're inquisitive, so they love to learn. You'll often find Geminis with a book in their hands. (Definitely ask your Gemini friends for book recommendations.) You will be hard-pressed to find a Gemini who doesn't love self-improvement, catching up on the news, expanding their knowledge through various means, watching the latest BBC documentaries, or reading their latest favorite book in private.

Despite their need for independence and personal freedom, they will be ridiculously excited to share all of their recently gleaned knowledge with you.

If you're close with a Gemini, you are guaranteed to be well-informed on a wide range of topics.

They're also clever and love to partake in witty banter. So think carefully before trying to debate a Gemini; you'll probably lose.

#4: Indecisive

Due to their intelligence, Geminis can be overly analytical which can lead to indecisiveness. Don't ask your Gemini friends to pick a dinner spot or Netflix movie; they'll agonize for hours over what to choose. They can also be anxious or nervous about making decisions, especially big decisions like moving or changing careers. Dating Geminis can be difficult because they struggle with commitment. 

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