Chapter 1

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"Dad, how did you and my other dad meet?" Iku, a nine-year-old girl with blonde curly hair asked her only father, Katsuki Bakugou, who was about to walk out of his daughter's room after tucking her in bed and giving her a goodnight kiss on the forehead like any loving father would.

Katsuki froze from the question. His heart ached at the thought of his former husband but a soft, heartbroken smile still managed to appear on his face at the memory of his only love. Katsuki turned and meet his daughter's curious green eyes. It hurt how much those eyes reminded Katsuki of Izuku. Every time he looked at those orbs that belonged to his daughter he could hear Izuku's sweet laugh.

"When we met, I was three months and he was only a few days old," Katsuki answered his freckled child, kneeling beside her bed with a soft smirk on his lips. Iku never asked Katsuki about her other father but Katsuki was more than willing to answer her questions.

"You met him when you were a baby?" She questioned, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Yeah, we knew each other our whole lives. We dreamt of being a hell of a good Hero duo when we were smaller. And we did, better than the legend of All Might." Katsuki chuckled.

"Woah, better than All Might the legend?" Iku repeated, her eyes big as he stared at her father with awe.

"Damn straight." Katsuki grinned.

"What was he like? How did you guys get together?" Iku asked. She was curious about her parents' origins. Since she never met her other parent she wanted to know him by her dad's stories.

"Well..." Katsuki's usually pride-filled eyes softened as he remembered the greenette he fell in love with. The memory of him hurt Katsuki but he never let himself forget his one and only.

"He was the kindest person I knew. He could light up a room just by walking in. His smile outshone the sun. His laugh was comforting and sweet. He would protect anyone. Even if it meant his own life." Katsuki smiled, letting Izuku's memory sink in. Oh, how he missed the love of his life. But he tried to distract himself by taking care of their daughter who looked almost exactly like him. From her eyes to her freckles. Everything about Iku reminded poor Katsuki of Izuku.

"He sounds like he was a good person..." Iku commented with a smile, she felt proud of who her family was. Which only fueled her curiosity to know more about them.

"He was." Katsuki responded with.

"You sound like you really loved him, Dad." Iku murmured. She never saw her father look like how he did now. He looked off guard and calm. Usually, he looked angry or cocky and sometimes, both.

"I did." He sighed.

"Did he always knew you loved him?"

"No, actually, he was the one who confessed first," Katsuki smirked at the memory.

"Where? How? When?" Iku asked eagerly making Katsuki softly laughed at his daughter's curiosity.

"It was the start of our third year in UA. We became closers as friends again after our second year and spent a lot of time together. One day, he asked me to meet him at the old playground we used to play in when we were four." Katsuki began telling the story of how they became the power couple they were with a sense of nostalgia.

"I got to the playground a few minutes after he texted me. He stood beside the slide, patiently waiting for me. When he saw me walking over he smiled at me, it was enough to make my heart pound against my chest. Damn, my feelings for him pissed me off back then but when he confessed on that playground I understood what I felt toward the damn nerd." Katsuki muttered the last part.

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