{15} Adrenaline

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Dedicated to enjoy_the_pic for being awesome❤️


Sam's POV:

I looked straight ahead, hearing my pack's paws pounding in the dirt beside me, as we ran hard and fast through the woods surrounding our home.

I knew that I had to do what I was about to, but the thought of being in the presence of a bloodsucking monster and not being able to do what I was born to do, and tear them apart, sent a dead chill through my bones. This went against every single one of my instincts, but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

I could feel the unease radiating from Jared's thoughts, and the intense dislike and hope coming from Paul, hating the vampires but being hopeful because the thought of them breaking the treaty meant he got to rip them apart.

We arrived shortly, the air smelling intensely sweet and revolting, and we came to a halt, six feet from the border of our lands.

I suppressed a growl as I saw the vampires come to a stop close to the border, the leader slightly in front of the others.

"Hello, my name is Carlisle Cullen. This is my wife Esme, and our children, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward."

I looked between each of them, assessing them all for signs of them being a threat. I could feel Jared and Paul doing the same, Paul leery but also feeling slightly anxious and excited looking at the fairly large one, still confident that if it came to a fight, he could take him down.

I nodded at the leader, trying to show him that I would be back, before running a short distance into the woods, phasing and throwing on a pair of shorts and a shirt before jogging back to stand in front of the wolves, Jared on my left flank, Paul on my right.

I crossed my arms, trying to control my intense emotions so I don't phase and murder the monsters that stand before me.

"I am Sam, the alpha. We are here because a vampire crossed into our lands last night, and we need to know if it was anyone from your clan." I spoke to the leader, feeling Paul shift his weight back and forth in anticipation.

I saw the lanky one with the weird hair eyeing him, as if he knew that Paul wanted any chance he could get to cross the border and start a fight.

"We are well aware of the intruders, but they are of no acquaintance to us. They are nomads, simply passing through the area. We would never break the treaty, it goes against everything that we believe in."

I internally scoff, having an extremely hard time believing that they could believe in anything at all.

"If they are not a part of the treaty, and they step foot on our lands again, we WILL kill them."

The leader nods. "If we run into them, we will relay the message."

I nod in agreement, and phase, not even caring that I was ripping my shorts in the process. I just wanted the hell out of there, and away from those dead-not dead creatures.

I tell Jared and Paul to run the perimeter for a few more minutes so I can relay the information to the elders and check on Allie, and they agreed, too hyped up on adrenaline from being so close to our enemies to realize that they've been awake for over 24 hours now.

I ran towards Harry Clearwater's house, enjoying the smell of the forest, happy that my nose isn't burning with that sickly sweet scent anymore.

I went in, after grabbing some clothes that were stashed in the woods, and was relaying the information to Harry, Billy, and Old Quil, when I heard a long howl pierce the air, probably a mile out.

I ran out, not even bothering to shut the door as I ran, phasing before I hit the woods. Immediately Jared's voice was in my mind.

"Picked up a trail on that vampire. Sam, he was at Allie's."

When I heard that my blood ran cold. I felt the adrenaline course through my body and I started running faster than I ever have in my entire life.

"Is she okay??" I practically screamed through the mind link, and I felt Jared's fear.

"I don't know. Paul and I are tracking the vampire right now. You need to go check on her."

I blocked them both out after that, focusing purely on my paws digging through the soil, faster and faster until I was practically flying.

I smelt the signature burning sweet scent in my nose, and forced myself to go even faster.

I was driven purely by instinct when I ran up to her door, skidding to a stop and phasing, not bothering to throw clothes on as I practically ripped the door off the hinges as I ran inside.

"ALLIE!" I yelled, not seeing or hearing her anywhere.

I ran through the house, ripping open every door and running through every room.

She wasn't here.

I could feel my breathing pick up and I started to hyperventilate.

I sprinted to the kitchen, pulling the phone off the receiver and calling her phone. In the distance, I heard it ringing, and I followed the sound until I found it, lying cracked on the floor by her bed.

I ran back outside, phasing before I let out a long, desperate howl, and I stayed running, desperate to find this evil thing that took her and rip it to shreds.

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