(9) crimson hands

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              Two days later, Allison is standing in her kitchen, finishing off her bowl of ice cream at 9AM, because she's an adult and can do what she pleases, thank you very much

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              Two days later, Allison is standing in her kitchen, finishing off her bowl of ice cream at 9AM, because she's an adult and can do what she pleases, thank you very much.

She had just put her bowl in the sink to wash it, when she hears what sounds very much like a laugh coming from outside. Her head whips around to the window, and she practically squeals as she runs outside, not even bothering to put on shoes before she sprints toward her favorite people.

She doesn't give any warning before jumping on Sam, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as she squeezes him tightly. Sam catches her without breaking stride, and laughs happily as she attempts to squeeze him to death.

"What, no love for your favorite?" Jared calls out teasingly, and Allison hops down, cocking her head to the side, feigning confusion.

"Oh! You mean Paul? You're right, how could I forget?" Allison teases back, before walking up to Paul and pulling him into a hug.

"Hey!" Jared yells, pretending to pout as Sam doubles over, laughing.

"How are you?" Allison asks quietly as she pulls away, all teasing gone from her face as she stares into Paul's eyes, searching. When he doesn't say anything, she continues. "I was worried about you. Are you hungry? I could make you something." Allison asks, her eyebrows furrowing as she thinks about how long each of them were gone.

"Worried about me? You barely even know me anymore, Al. It's been years, don't act like we're best friends." Paul grumbled, kicking rocks with his feet as he refuses to look her in the eye.

"I know it's been awhile, Paul, I do. Too long. But that doesn't mean I don't care about your well-being." Allison says softly, guilt pooling in her chest. She knew she should have reached out, but she didn't, and there wasn't any excuses for that.

"Well knock it off, alright? I'm sick of you three telling me you care, when you don't. Telling me this shit is a gift, when it clearly isn't. Not one of you have tried to talk to me since graduation, and now suddenly you 'care about me?' Bullshit!" Paul yells, seething.

"Paul.." Sam warns lowly, and Allison's gaze whips to him, back to Paul, and then to Jared, who's looking more nervous by the second.

Allison startles as she sees Paul start to shake uncontrollably, and she freezes as her heart lodges in her throat.

"Allison, back up NOW." Sam orders, eyes trained on Paul.

Allison keeps staring at Paul, her legs locked in fear. Her brain not processing this information fast enough.

Paul's arms jerk back, and that is what gets Allison's brain back online. She turns on her heel, and sets off to sprint back toward the house, when she hears a menacing, inhuman growl behind her.

Motivated by fear, and Sam and Jared's yells for her to run, Allison sprints faster than she ever has in her life, but she wasn't fast enough. A pain-filled scream tears it's way out of her throat as her leg is yanked out from under her, claws ripping through her skin.

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