One: Wreaking Havoc

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"'s not fifty fifty, it's like seventy five-- twenty five. I'm the twenty five. You go to work all day and you come home and you have to do half of the stuff that I should've done. I'm here all day and I can barely put a baby to sleep."

"Catalina you're not a nanny. You do know that right?" He laughs. "It was easy when it was just Mahlia, I don't expect you to take care of our two twin babies and a two year old. Especially not this little guy." He turns around to focus on Eric wailing.

"Awww what's wrong?" Ashton sighs as he rocks Eric in his arms.

Eric just looks at him and continues his wailing.

"He's not hungry, I fed him. I changed him. I tried all of his favorite things."

"It's going to be okay." Ashton chuckles as he talks to Eric. "You don't have to scream, there are better ways to communicate son."

Eric stops and sniffles before staring at Ashton quietly like he's listening to what he's saying. His little chest puffs up and down as he takes a deep breath before he lays his head on Ashtons shoulder. Eric lifts his head back up to look at Ashton again and he smiles, showing the dimple identical to his dad's.

My jaw drops in astonishment. I gasp. "Are you serious? I kept you alive for nine months. Then I proceeded to push you out of me. It's not like it was easy."

Eric turns his head the opposite way from me to let me know that he doesn't want to hear what I'm saying and he lays his head down on Ashton's shoulder.

"Don't tell me he was trying to let me know that he was looking for you." I gag. "Well you can just put him in the pockets of your white coat tomorrow and take him to work with you." I laugh.

"Alright let's eat!" I grin as I grab my phone to search up anywhere that's open and delivering, happy that Eric has stopped crying.


Eric sits in Ashton's lap and stares at me smiling. I smile softly at my son, wishing that he'd go to sleep so that his parents can.

"Why won't he go to sleep?" I groan and lay my head on Ashton's shoulder.

"I told you we shouldn't have named him Eric Evans. Maybe that's why he's wreaking havoc."

I roll my eyes at him and chuckle.

"I'd be mad too, I don't blame you." Ashton says to Eric. "I'm just glad that you know I wasn't the one responsible for it."

"That's a great name. He was made to be a little icon." I smile.

Ashton smiles tiredly and lays his head against the headboard. "You can go to sleep, I got it."

"No, that's not fair." I say.

The both of us are barely keeping our eyes open and using the headboard to keep us sitting up. It wouldn't be fair for one of us to have to sit up all night with the baby that we both made. Plus, I like spending time with him-- even if we're too tired to speak. Holding his hand and making tired, lazy comments every now and then is enough for me.

"First one to sleep has to give the other whatever they want tomorrow." I propose.

"Mhhh." He chuckles. "What do you want."

"A foot and back massage. What do you want?"

"You." He laughs.

"How do you want me?" I smile, trying to be flirtatious, but I'm too tired to know if I'm doing it right.

"Surprise me."

I glance down to his lap to see Eric quietly laying his head on Ashton's stomach with his eyes closed. I sit up and gasp under my breath before I slowly move around to pick him up slowly. I tip toe towards the crib in our room and lay him down next to his brother.

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