"What a pity, Oikawa-San.."

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Oikawa's POV 😺

Why was Kageyama trying to make me feel better? Wasn't I supposed to do the comforting?

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Kageyama's stoic face was staring at my pitiful one.

Kageyama let go of my hands and continued to unpack his stuff, "Hey, can you cook?" He mumbled as he pulled out toothbrush, "Iwa-Chan says my cooking is okay so I guess.." I said with my eyes glued to the ground, "Can we have takoyaki and rice?" He hummed, turning around causing me to look up, "I can't cook that well", "Hm? Why don't we just order out?" I asked.


He pointed to me, "I wanna taste your food, Shittykawa!" He said with a hint of confidence, "Your just using Iwaizami-Sempai to defend yourself!".The audacity of this brat. I clench my fist and yell "HOW LOW DO YOU THINK I AM, TOBIO-CHAN?!", he turned around, "Ah so your rejecting the challenge? What a pity Oikawa-San" he hummed. Oh it's on.

A hour and a half later

There sat the most elegant and tasty takoyaki and rice I had ever made, 'That little shits taste buds are gonna suffocate in that delicious dinner I made'. I called Tobio to the kitchen, he sat on the stool in front of the plate. He didn't look satisfied on the outside, "Thanks, Shittykawa" he said with no interest in the food.

He picked up his chopsticks and held some takoyaki to his lips, gently blowing on it. I looked away and my face felt a little warm. "H-hurry up and eat it!" I exclaimed, he looked at me with a scowl and bit into it.

He didn't say anything but he continued to eat, maybe I put my contacts on wrong but a small smile was etched onto his features, I couldn't help but smirk. "My precious kouhai loves my food!~", Kageyama looked up at me before abruptly getting up and bowing, "it's delicious!".

After we finished dinner we washed our plates and Kageyama ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth before yelling goodnight. 'Is this what Suga-San feels like?'

I opened the cabinet and got the melatonin bottle, it's not that I can't sleep, I just have bad nightmares so melatonin helps me. I grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I open the bottle, it's empty. Great.

I grab my phone and called Iwa-Chan, he answered but much to my dismay he was yelling and cussing at me telling me to go to bed. "Iwa-Channnn~ Do you have some melatoninnnn~" I say with a pouty face even though he can't see me, "I think so. Damn it Shittykawa, next time make sure you have all your drugs" he said with a raspy voice, "Yes, yes mother! I'll be over in a few~~" I hummed, "IM NOT YOUR DAMN MO-" I ended the call before he could finish.

"Yaho!~ Tobio-Channn~ I'm going to get something from Iwaizami! Don't let anyone innnn~" I yelled, hearing a faint, "whatever"

I was walking down the hall and passed the dorms, counting how many steps I was taking. Then I saw Iwa-Chan's dorm, 155.

I knock 3 times and the door swings open. "Hellooo, Iwa-Chan!~" I said as I placed my hands on his shoulders. "Tch, come get your stuff, Idiotkawa." He said groggily, "Short temper for a short person" I snickered, he shot me a death glare, "what?" He said all seriousness in his tone, "Nothing, sir!"

I walked to Iwazumi's room, "So who did you get? Was the risk worth it?" I asked eagerly, "Some tall blondie, he's acting like a bitch though", "Iwazumi! You can't talk about your roommate like that!", "He'll get over it"

He gave me the pills and we said our goodbyes. 'Now that I think about it, how are my brave crows and kittens?'


I unlock the door to an eerie silence, "I'm back" I say not trying to be loud in case he's asleep. I walk into the kitchen take the pill. I brushed my teeth and took a shower.

'Finally, playtime is over'

698 words 😻👊🏻

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