Few months later

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It's pretty obvious Tsuki said "Yes". We came out and everyone supported us, we had many dates and they all went so well. We were basically living in a fairytale. Except this is real life and everything doesn't have a happy ending.

One night Kei was bored. He had played his new game, watched tv, facetimed me but nothing was keeping him busy.

So he got into his brothers alcohol stash. Somehow he made it to my house, and boy was he hammered.

He was talking nonsense, slurring his words and falling every now again. But something clicked in his mind and he pinned me down. At first he was just being playful, kissing my face and telling me he loves me.

Then it started getting heated. He put his hand up my shirt and trailed his fingers to my nipples and circled them cause me to grunt. "H-hey, I don't want out first time to be like this.." I said trying to suppress my moans. "You don't get a say" Kei said as he lifted my shirt. "Y-yes I do-" I was caught off guard by his tongue being forced into my mouth.

I tried to pry him off, telling him to stop and get off me but nothing worked. Eventually he had his way and it wasn't comfortable for me at all. It hurt so much, he was really rough.

But I thought that it was okay. He was drunk and I didn't want to upset him just because I wasn't ready for it.

I stumbled to the bathroom mirror and looked at myself. Tears threatened to spill as I inspected my neck, Kei had violated my neck, hickeys and bite marks were everywhere.

I didn't understand why I was crying but I was. I checked the time, 7:29 am. It was still summer break but I decided to take a shower. I sluggishly pulled off Tsuki's shirt and stepped in the shower, at first it was cold but it got warmer.

Time skip brought to you byyyy

After Kei got up I told him what happened last night over breakfast. He apologized for his actions and promised me he wouldn't do it again.

But he broke that promise...
Over and over again he would get drunk and touch me inappropriately without my consent..sometimes he wouldn't even be drunk.
It only got worse after that.
"Hey are you gaining weight, Tobio?"
"Are you disobeying me?"
"Make me breakfast, now"
"Hey could you try not to hug me in public anymore..people keep avoiding me because of you"

But i put up with it because it's normal..right?

445 words 😝🧚🏼‍♀️✨👊🏻😻

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