chapter 12

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For the last few days, Raven had been working tirelessly on minimal sleep to ensure that the ship was fixed for landing in T-minus four days. Raven was known to be a stubborn worker back on the Ark, she never let anybody help her with her projects as she was very particular in her work methods and never took anyone's advice or critiques, so it was no wonder when her fellow friends on the ring were shot down immediately when suggesting that Raven take some time to rest and to not stress herself out too much.

It was around 6 in the morning and Raven had already been awake and working for the last two hours, stressing over every last little detail of the ship's repair, because no matter how hard she tried she could not get the old, broken thing to start. Monty being Monty liked to claim that this was a sign that they should stay up in space, free from chaos and a life full of violence and death that he had spent the last few years trying to forget whilst keeping himself busy with his successful, yet not so delicious algae farm. To no surprise, Raven did not find this amusing and in one swift motion threw the kind offering of algae that Monty had been handing her at the time across the room in a moment of frustration. Since that moment nobody had been brave enough to approach Raven except for Echo, even Murphy was too terrified to step foot near her workshop.

"So what are we doing today?" Echo questioned whilst tying up her hair as she approached Raven.

Raven slid herself out from underneath the ship, "Well I will be rewiring the engine, and since the only other person who knew how to do that was Emori, you can go and find and console Bellamy wherever the heck he is. Unless of course, you can identify what tool the Phillips screwdriver is on my workbench." She said with a serious tone and a snarky look on her face. To no surprise Echo had no idea what she was talking about considering she had no idea that such ship or tool existed until a few years ago, proving herself no help to Raven.

Echo frowned, disappointed that she would have to go and deal with her once, ex-lover and ex-nemesis. Briefly, when the seven of them had first arrived in space, Echo and Bellamy had begun a brief fling, turning their hatred for one another into lust, however, it didn't take long for this to fizzle out and lead to a messy break-up. Since then the two had tried to limit their interactions and be civil as much as possible. However, Echo was not about to piss of Raven today by questioning or resisting what she said and took to the halls to look for him as Raven continued working.

Hours had passed and Raven grew tired and defeated, she packed up her things in the workshop and decided to go back to her room to nap for a few hours, she knew that tiredness would only cause her to make mistakes and therefore slow her down. As she began walking back to her room she noticed the light in the hallway flickering but shrugged it off as nothing more than an old lightbulb finally running out, but that was until another light in the hall began to flicker too and within a matter of seconds Raven was standing in a pitch-black hallway. 

She redirected herself and began walking towards to main room to tell the others that there was a power outage down on the D corridor, but as she made her way she suddenly grabbed her chest as she began struggling to breathe, her breath becoming less paced and shallow.

"R-Raven?" Murphy said in a state of shock as he began sprinting towards her to help her.

She reached out to him with her free arm and pulled him down to her, "I-I ca...n't breat-" were the only words she could get out before darkness overtook her sight as she passed out, pushing Murphy to the ground as he tried to catch her in his arms as she fell. He looked down at her panicking as he had no idea what had just happened, was it due to exhaustion and overworking herself? Or had she called sick? He sat crossed-legged on the group as he brushed his thumb against her cheek trying to console her and calm his won nerves as he called her name in an attempt to wake her up out of whatever state she was currently in.

"Raven, please come back to me" he whispered as tears welled up in his eyes, the concern written all over his face as his hand ran through her hair, before grabbing his chest and panting as he suddenly began struggling to breathe himself. His vision began to blur and his head began to spin as he struggled to regulate his breathing.

"Bellamy!" He shouted as loud as he possibly could.

"Monty!" He screamed, with a sore, hoarse voice.

Before he knew it, both himself and Raven were passed out on top of each other in the middle of the D corridor, with a strange alarm ringing throughout the ring.

Writers note.

Hey guys, I know it has been a very long time since I've updated this story (I think like 2 years maybe??) but a lot of you guys have commented that you would like me to continue or update this story and since I'm currently stuck in a crappy national lockdown I thought why not try writing again haha. I don't know how often I'll be updating this or if I will be writing much more of this since it's been so long, I feel like I've fallen out of the whole writing thing but I'll try my best for you guys because I forgot how fun it is to write! Anyway, I hope whoever reads this enjoys the chapter and stay safe guys!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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