Chapter two

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Ever since they came up to the ring, Murphy had outcaste himself from the rest of the group. He spent most of his time held up in an old janitors closet in an empty part of the ring. His body slumped on the floor, with his back against the metal door, a crystal glass resting in his hand filled with moonshine.

"God, why did you do this to me?" He said looking up at the ceiling.

"Both of you."
He let out a loud growl as he threw his glass against the wall in fury some of the glass falling down from where he had thrown the glass and cutting into his hand as it shattered.

"Damn it!" He groaned, pulling off his shirt and winding it around the open, oozing wound to stop the bleeding.

"Murphy?" A voice echoed through the corridor.

He groaned again, when he realised it was the voice of Raven Reyes. All he wanted to do was be left alone with his thoughts and his moonshine, the last thing he wanted to do was talk to Raven.

He grabbed the handle to the door and swung it open, peeping his head out the door to see her.

"In here"

She narrowed her eyes at him, and placing her hand on her hip, "Why are you shirtless?"

"Is it a problem for you? Is it turning you on?" He asks rolling his eyes.

Raven scrunched up her face, "Ew no, why have you always gotta be such a dick Murphy?" She asked walking into the closet.

She pulled his hand into her lap to get a better look at it. There was blood running down his arm, trickling onto her lap from the shard of glass sticking out of his hand.

"Murphy, what did you do?" She asked , pulling him to his feet.

He points to the glass and the alcohol on the floor.

"Uh, I'll get Bellamy to clean that up later. You know he's obsessed with everything being clean." She linked her arm into his and they began walking to her room.

Everybody allowed Raven to have the biggest room, she needed the extra space so that she could repair and build things for the ship.

She walked over to the red cupboard bellow her sink and pulled out a large first aid kit she had stored in there. She walked over to the counter area and tapped on a spot for Murphy to jump up and sit on so she could mend his hand.

"This may sting." She said as she opened up a bottle of Monty's miracle moonshine and began cleaning the cut with it. Up here they had no real medicine or medical items, so Monty would use his farming skills and knowledge of drugs to whip up things they could use as medicine from his algae and hydro farm.

Moonshine was one of those things.

He cursed as the alcohol seeped into the wound.

Raven was no 'doctor' but part of being a mechanic meant knowing how to take care of burns and wounds from things they were working on, she had also picked up some things from Harper who spent much of her time in the dropship learning from Clarke how to treat wounds.

"I thought you were getting better, John." She whispered, bandaging up his hand.

"Yeah, so did I." He laughed.

"You can still get better Murphy, let me help you get better."

"Why do you care whether or not I get better Raven? I didn't give a care in the world when I shot you in the back, and left you with a permeant limp, so why care about me?"

Raven was taken back by what he had just said and stepped away, turning her back on him.

"Sorry" he whispered.

"I care because you were there for me when I tried to kill myself, when I wanted to go to space and die before the death wave hit. You were there and you helped me, I chose to live because I had you by my side." A tear began forming in her eye.

She could feel Murphy begin to soften at her words.

"Now I want to be by your side. So please.  Let me help you, Murphy."

Kind of an emotional, fluffy chapter.
I hope you enjoyed it and continue reading :)
- Chloe

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