"Why are you guys arguing so much" that's what I didn't understand they were always so happy together, they had the picture-perfect relationship that everyone wanted.

"I don't know, I don't, it's just whenever we argue he never speaks his mind he never tells me how he feels. I wish he would or even yell at me tell me how much of a bitch I am just anything, so I know he's hurting," she explained on the verge of tears.

"I get it mom but you know how he is he never wants to bother anyone he'd rather help them which means he doesn't want to hurt you, you guys just need to sit down tonight and talk about how you feel." I mean what I say even if I have to tie them down so they'll talk ill be in the same room to make sure it doesn't turn into a screaming match.

"You're right baby, that's what we'll do tonight well work everything out. I don't know what we'd do without you baby" she agrees with me. Hopefully, this will save their marriage.

We arrive at Carls's school and we get out to wait with the other moms. While mom went to talk with one of her friends I decided to sit down and get some homework done.

Not long after two police cars show up at first I think it's dad and Shane but it's just Shane with some other cops dad works with. I already know what that means he's either dead or hurt.

" Mom, what's happening?" I quickly put my homework away before going up to her.

"I don't know just stay here and wait for Carl." She replies before walking up to Shane and from the looks on both of their faces it's not good.

The bell rings and Carl walks out. I walk up to him while we wait for our mom to tell us what happened.

"Ophelia why is Shane here?" he asks. I didn't have the heart to tell him what this means instead we wait for our mom to come over here to tell us.

When she does she doesn't have good news. She explains that dad was shot and is in a coma. Which means our lives are going to change in the next few weeks.

A few weeks later
Ophelias pov


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It's been a few weeks since our dad was shot, everyone's different around the house. Mom's stressed with having to take care of all of us and worry about dad, Carl is more sensitive, anything that includes dad makes him upset and I'm quieter instead of doing after-school activities I come straight home to help out mom.

That's where I am now sitting on the couch doing homework while mom folds laundry around me with the news playing in the background.

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