Chapter 1

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You woke up earlier than usual with a pounding in your head. It was the hangover from last night. You couldn't remember what had happened, but one thing for sure was that you remembered your dad almost killing you.


"Y/N!" your dad yelled at you.

"What dad?" you laughed, not being able to walk straight

"Omg Y/N!" he said covering his nose, "have you been drinking?! You reek of alcohol"

"I just had a couple of shots," you replied, trying to walk up the stairs, "later dad."

"Y/N!" he yelled, "get back here right now! We're not talking!" he continued following you up the stairs. Your dad then reached your room entering, seeing you sleeping peacefully.

"What am I going to do with you," he sighed. "You're barely 18 years old and you're already drinking."

You continued to sleep as your dad whispered to himself, "if I can't monitor you 24/7 then I will have to hire someone to help me."

Flashback ends

"Y/N!" your dad called you, "come downstairs now!"

"I'm coming!" you replied, rushing down the stairs. "Yes dad?" you approached him, rubbing your head.

"I hired a bodyguard for you. He will be arriving any time soon. Please be nice to him."

"What?" you asked confused, "I don't need a bodyguard."

"Considering you went drinking underage and I couldn't stop you because of work," he replied looking into your eyes, "I think you need a bodyguard."

"But I'm 18!" you fought back, "I don't need some old person following me everywhere I go."

"If you behaved maybe you wouldn't have one," your dad spoke.

"But dad!" you complained to your dad.

"Enough whining Y/N!" your dad replied to you, "from now on you are going to have a bodyguard to follow you around. I can't babysit you, I have work and you're just becoming more irresponsible as time goes by."

"Dad!" you fought back, "I mess up once and this is how I am treated?!"

Your dad ignored you, leaving you all alone in the living room. You ran up the stairs to your room, slamming the door. How could your dad treat you like that?! You thought to yourself.

You sat on your bed thinking of a plan to get rid of the bodyguard your dad was preparing for you. I can't live like this! You thought to yourself.

You wanted to go see your friend and make a plan together, but since your dad didn't let you leave the house you decided to jump out of the window to escape. You got ready, putting on your shoes ready to jump. You opened the window and jumped. Your house wasn't big, so it was pretty easy to land. Although, you didn't check your surroundings, causing you to fall on a young man in a suit and earpiece.

"Omg," you said getting up and helping him get up, "I'm so sorry."

"Hello my lady," the young man smiled at you. "Where are you going?"

"I-" you stuttered, "who are you?"

"Y/N!" your dad called you from behind.


"Dad?" you asked confused, "who is this?"

"Hello sir," the young man bowed.

"No need to be formal," your dad patted his back, making him stand back up again. "Y/N, this is your new bodyguard," he smiled, "Y/N meet Yunho."

"Dad!" you yelled at him, "I don't need a bodyguard, please give me a chance."

"No Y/N," your dad spoke, "I'm worried about you, please don't argue with me."

You sighed in agreement.

"I'll make sure she is safe," Yunho smiled at your dad.

"I hope we get along well Ms. Y/N," he looked at you.

All you did was nod, "yeah."

Bodyguard | Jeong YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now