Bright, and Light kink

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Satan: excuse me, what?!

(y/n): i didnt know about your existence back then!

Satan: "one of the twin of creation"!? "the Dark brother"!?!?!? wtf bro that's me!

(y/n): as i said! i didnt know about you, back then!!!

Satan: not only you gave my tittle to a bitch ass looking eldrich god, you didnt even try to make it original! seriously man!? the scarlet king? i can think of 1928 other gods that are more worthy of my tittles that that crimson excuse of a god!

(y/n): he seems cool to me!

Satan: well not for me!!

(y/n): you are just salty because i gave him your tittles!


while the two brothers were having a cat fight a teenager with 3 set of golden wings, white hair, and handsome face walked into the room.

Lucifer: Dad, Uncle i made a apple pie, do you want a slice?

hearing him, both of them stopped and looked at him

(y/n): did you made it from the forbidden fruit?

Lucifer: do you guys want one, or not?

---TIMESKIP! also if you are wondering what this whole scene was then read "a crusade across the multiverse" and start making a theory, im waiting for one of you to solve this "mystery"---

alright, meeting his bro Satan was cool, he even give him his wattpad password so he can start his own book about the adventures of one of his satanist.

but back to the story of this book...wait, what was the story of this book again?

ah yes, do whatever the f*ck you want because you are god, got it.

going back to the surface of the "demon cycle" world, (y/n) teleported into his dishwasher house and looked at the girl who was still laying on the unconscious on the bed...

(y/n): what was i doing here again? y'know what? i will just leave a transformer dishwasher Jesus, so he can deal with the good people in this world, i got bored already.

giving a command to the world using his mind, (y/n) created a book that was filled with the Runes of this world, all of them Defensive and Offensive.

after that he created the robot dishwasher and turned it on

(y/n): i dub you "Cleanus" as a combination fo "cleaning" and "Jesus"...because you are a dishwasher...make sure the good people live ok? imma go look what Dr.Bright is doing

and just like that, (y/n) disappeared with a fart noise while "cleanus" was processing his new mission given to him by his "father"

---meanwhile in the SCP universe---

(y/n): *appears out of nowhere* i will need to come back and see how that universe is doing after some time

after he said that (y/n) looked around the room, only to find out none other then Dr. Jack Bright using a whip to slap Dr. Sophia Light (a female researcher) ass.

(y/n): isnt this one of the things that you are not allowed to do in the foundation?

Dr.Bright: nah, its said i cant "spank" Dr.Light, but there was nothing about using a Whip.

surprisingly Dr.Light didnt voice any objection about (y/n) being in the room while this was happening, which was weird because from the waist down the only thing she was wearing is pink panties with a big red heart on her butt.

(y/n): cool imma come back later.

Dr.Bright: k.

he said and whipped Dr. Bright left asscheek making her let out the most sexy moan the world has ever had the pleasure of hearing.

after that day, the "list of things that Dr.bright is not allowed to do" has gained another entry

---timeskip brought you by Chibi Dr.Bright have a kink session with Dr.Light---

(y/n): so how is "project EA" going?

asked (y/n) who was interested how his Ea project was going.

Random Dr, from the SCP facility: we managed to convince one of ours reality bending SCP's to change the shape of SCP 096 bones, however we still need to search for a material strong enough for the handle, and a way to stop SCP-094 (the mini black hole) from growing, and we still havent found out a way to harness its energy

(y/n): for the about playing with SCP-914 and upgrading some of the best metals on earth? about the SCP 094...i have no idea, still need to think about that.

sudently a guard walked into a room, holding a laptop and then announced.

Guard: all researchers except Mr.(y/n) need to leave, the O5 council want to speak with him

nobody said anything and just left...well almost everyone

Dr.Bright: OOOOOooohhhh! someone's in trouble~~

and after that he walked out while continuously shouting "OOOOOOOooooooohhhh!!!!!". Even after he left, he could be heard from the corridor.

the Guard put the laptop on the table turned it on and walked out of the room, waiting behind the doors.

soon on the laptop there could be visible a bunch of people being covered in the shadow.

(y/n): menacing....

O5: we have heard about you taking SCP-706.

(y/n): yeah, she's my daughter now.

O5: the deal was-

(y/n): yeah, i know, i first need to kill SCP-682, but in my defense, i have successfully neutralized SCP-096, and have gave the Organization a copy of a book, that contains the knowledge about magic Runes, and i am 100% that the foundation can find a way to make a magical-firearms or something similar.

O5: we understand but-

(y/n): come on, let me have this, i will kill SCP-682, im the father of 343 for 343 sake.

heh, clever.

O5: fine. However any other if you take another SCP before killing 682 we will-

(y/n): yeah, ok cool, imma go play with 682 together with Bright, bye *teleports away*



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