Jaune training starts

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it was finally the time! it was the final day! today they will go hunt wendigos! some were scared, some were exited and some didnt really care to be honest

and the most exited were Team RWBY & JNPR but thats only because they know what Stands are and how much of a cheat ability they can be when they watched JoJo bizarre adventure together with (y/n)

(y/n): okay come here you all! make a line!

they all listened to him and make a line, then one by one they got a watch like device that they put on their wrist and looked at (y/n) to give them an explenation

(y/n): when your aura reaches 10% or you pass out the watch will teleport you to the safe area where Neo will be waiting...you know i cant let you go on a death battle without any safety measures right?

they all thought about it and nodded their heads from what they understood the wendigos are a monster that will kill without any hesitation so these devices will save them from certain death

(y/n): good! now you can go and start the extermination in 10 minutes but until then...Jaune Arc come to me for a sec

the Blonde knight just looked at him a little confused and also scared but walked to him anyway

Jaune: am i in trouble?

(y/n): nah i'm just taking you for a date

Jaune: wait wha-! *gets thrown into a portal by (y/n)* see you guys in 10 minutes

after he said that to his dumbfounded students he walked trough the portal himself and saw Jaune on the other side who was laying on the floor while anime tears run down his cheeks

Jaune: Ouch...

(y/n): oh men up will you

Jaune: (y/n) where are-

(y/n): magic or melee?

Jaune: what?

(y/n): magic or melee??

Jaune: eehhh...melee?

(y/n): good!

the space around them started to shift and soon they were both standing in a large golden room and before Jaune could ask anything a little girl with black hair and golden eyes appeared in front of them and she looked quite pissed.


(y/n): hi~

Alaya: ...

yup thats right! the little girl was Alaya the physical manifestation of the mankind will to survive. also known as the one who collects the spirits of legendary warriors known as heroic spirits.

she was a little angry that someone dared to enter her domain, the same place where heroic spirits reside but her anger left the second she saw (y/n) who let out all a little of his essence, just enough for her to fell it.

her face went pale and one could hear her take a deep breath in

Alaya: how may i help you Sir~?

her tone completely changed and she put a sweet smile on her face while looking at (y/n). he on the other hand was a little amused by her change in behavior but he didnt let it show on his face.

(y/n): This young man right here *pulls Jaune closer* needs a teacher, and i was hoping some of your heroic spirits to teach him

Alaya: ah of course! here let me call a few~

she then walked away and got behind a corner where she was out of their sight and after a couple of moments one could hear her scream

Alaya: Gilgamesh you son of a b*tch i said come here or i swear i will shove EA so far up your ass that you will be able to taste it!

soon before them were standing Saber (Arturia), Lancer (Cú Chulainn), Archer x2 (Robin Hood & Gilgamesh) and Rider (Achilles) but there was also another guy. he was two and half meter tall and he was PERFECT! his appearance was beyond human it was more like a statue of a god! (y/n) looked at him and he had this weird felling that he saw the dude somewhere...WAIT! he...but...


(A/N: i wanted to post a picture of Heracles when he is not in his Berserker state but Wattpad wont let me idk why...just type "Archer Heracles" into google or visit the Fate wiki and search for "true Archer (Heracles)" )

Wtf how in the name of (y/n) is he...not crazy! normaly you would see him in his Berserker state but now he is normal.

Gilgamesh: this? we are to train this puny mongre- *gets slapped on the head by Alaya*

(y/n): yup thats him! dont show him mercy, you can completely massacre him as long as you dont kill him

Jaune: wait wha-

Rider: Heads up!

Jaune: huh- *is sent flying into the distance by Rider punch*


(y/n): hey Heracles can i speak to you for a second?

the demi-god nodded his head and walked with (y/n) until they were sure that the rest of heroic spirits cant hear them

(y/n): how are you...y'know not crazy?

Heracles: ah so its about this...its simple really. i no longer care for gods and thus my hate toward them which was the reason of me being the "berserker" is no longer

(y/n): wait...does that mean that...

Heracles: the only way for me to being summoned with a "normal" state of mind is to summon me as "archer" or my alter "archer/avenger" yes

(A/N: go read the wiki i dont want to explain this)

(y/n) just hummed and nodded his head at the explanation. Heracles is an extremely heroic individual. He holds strong morals, even going against the orders of his Master to preserve his heroism (when he is not in the Berserker form of course xD). he will be a good mentor for Jaune

(y/n): hey can i ask a favor?

Heracles: it depends on what you want me to do

(y/n): can you please teach the kid what it means to be a "hero" and tell him how it really looks to be one?

Heracles agreed and said that he will do his best to teach him making (y/n) glad that he chose this world to train Jaune in melee combat

(y/n): welp time to time skip for a year and see how much he learned!


okay i just want to say that there will be MUCH more tomorrow i just didnt have time today ;/

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