Chapter one

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  'You ugly, red monster'
'She's going to become evil one day'
'I can feel the darkness coming from her'
'I can't talk to her, what if she'll hurt me'
'Stay away from her'

Giselle heard the voices in her head grow louder and louder as she starred at her teared stained face in the mirror.
'I hate you' she thought to herself.
'I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.' she repeated over and over addressing her soul.
'why do you have to be red' she tried to wipe away the tears that started to fall again.
She looked at her reflection one more time as she whispered a lighting spell under her nose.
'Make the darkness disappear and light up my way' Her room immediately became bright while her eyes turned into a bloody red colour. 'Scary'
She hated fate for making her soul red.

It's been four years since she got thrown into an orphanage.
Before that her life was rather normal, her parents pretended that they love her, neighbors always greeted her happily and all the kids enjoyed playing with her. She was a joyful kid, always curious about everything and everyone. Giselle loved observing the world and learning about it. Her favorite hobby was collecting flowers and making flower crowns that always looked beautiful on her dark locks and always made her stunning, dark complexion shine, even in the most dully days.
That was until she developed her magic abilities, just when she turned six years old.
Her parents noticed the change in her aura so one day they asked her to cast her first spell.
She began studying nature spells before she started walking. So the excitement that she felt was beyond imaginable.
They took her to their garden and pointed to her a dying, singular rose. Giselle always loved red roses the most, she adored the way such a beautiful flower cut her fingers when she tried to pick it up. She came close to the rose and took it into her small hands.

'Don't die on me pretty, BLOOM' she casts and a red smoke came out of her hand, making the rose alive again. Giselle was proud of herself, she got it right on her first try which was a big accomplishment, she knew that her parents must be proud of her. That was until she looked up at them and saw nothing but fear painted on their faces. They made her promise, that she will never use her magic in public and that she won't ever tell anyone about this. She was very confused and sad, but she agreed since she never wanted to cause any trouble to her beloved family. She didn't understand why her parents never hugged her again after that day.
She would only play with magic when she was alone in the flower field, she absolutely loved casting spells, and every time she looked at her red smoke with adoration and fascination, she really loved the colour. Everyone always told her that your magic color reflects your soul, she wondered about her soul a lot. She wondered what made it red, was it because she loved roses so dearly?
Not a long time passed since people noticed her red smoke, it started when she tried to save a kitten who got stuck in a tree.
'I just tried to save it' she cried when her mother slapped her on the face.
'You broke our promise' her father told her with furrowed brows and closed the door behind him.
She didn't understand then why her friends didn't want to play with her anymore, why her neighbors stopped greeting her, why people started to look at her with disgust.
'pure evil'
'red monster'
'I always knew something was wrong with that family'
'I can't play with you, mum said that I can't'
' Don't come closer, my dad said you're evil!'
'Do you think she's related to HER?'

It became clear to her that everyone hated her for her red soul. Even her parents stopped talking to her. Once she heard her mum telling an old lady, that she wasn't her daughter.
A month after that incident her parents took her by the sleeve, showed her into a car, and drove her to an orphanage without a word. They left her there and didn't look her in the eyes even once.
After that, she started to hate roses.

In the orphanage, things didn't go better. Since the day she got there, kids didn't want to play with her and the adults interacted with her only when it was necessary but even then they didn't look her in the eyes. Giselle became extremely lonely and cried herself to sleep every night. Four years passed with almost none human interactions, nobody even threw insults at her, because they were so scared of her. She hated it, almost wanted others to insult her, to push her, hit her, anything. She just wanted attention, any form of attention. She desperately tried to change the colour of her magic, but it failed every time.
Ten days after her birthday, that nobody remembered about, a new kid got thrown to their orphanage. A girl year older then Giselle. She had a pale skin full of small dots, her eyes had a beautiful colour of grass the morning after heavy rain. She had long, wavy pink hair that looked extra fluffy. Her name was Willow and she was absolutely gorgeous, Giselle couldn't stop herself from staring at her every time she got an occasion. Willow was everything she ever wanted to be, popular, beautiful and her soul was in the color of an ocean. She became friends with every kid in the orphanage, no matter of their gender or age, everyone adored her, even adults seemed to love talking to her. Giselle was so envious of her, but somehow no matter how much she wanted to hate her, she couldn't. She brought back her childhood fascination.

One warm day all the kids were playing in the field, all expect of Giselle, who was sitting alone next to bushes, talking to ants, because they and other animals and flowers were her only friends. 

Willow was a curious child since she got born, always examined, and explored things no matter how much people would warn her about them. She once broke her leg while exploring an abandoned house in the middle of the forest. People always described her as fearless.
When her parents got killed and she had to start living in an orphanage, her curiosity never died. Her parents adored her and always told her, that one day she's gonna find something beautiful, that will bring her happiness. Her mother often scolded her for being too careless, but she still adored her and took her on little adventures with her.
So when people told her to stay away from the 'evil red girl', she just had to get to know her.
Everyone always told her that she's scary, terrifying even...but when Willow looked at Giselle, she didn't see anything scary.

Giselle froze when she felt something round touching her head, she reached for it with her hand, thinking it was a leaf. Instead, she looked at a pretty flower crown.
Confused, she turned around and froze when she saw who put it on her. A beautiful, pink-haired girl smiled brightly and sat down next to her, still smiling the girl looked Giselle in the eyes and said:

'Hello, I'm Willow. Let's be friends'

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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