Confesion time

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Izuku was true to his word, deciding to return to the school on Saturday evening. It had been 4 days away from the academy, and he already missed the smell of mismatched cooking and the ring of laughter echoing from the front door to dorms 1-A. But he hadn't entered just yet, hadn't made his presence known. The twisting knot in his stomach prevented him from taking even one step closer. As light filtered from the windows and door he sighed; looking down at his left arm tightly wrapped in gauze.

"This is gunna be tough," he was monotone as he noted all the different things that could go wrong with this plan. Mumbling about it seemed to help though; the knot untwisting ever so slightly. This needed to be done - there was no way around it.

Oh god please let this work out. Please just let me live my life not shackled to the asshole.

And with that final thought at the front of his mind he plastered on his ever familiar smile; marching forward as if he were marching into battle. The door opened, and the living room occupants turned to see who entered. It silenced a little, before:

"Deku! Your back!! Are you okay?" The outburst came from Ochako, who bounced off the sofa to greet him in a tight hug. She faltered when she spotted the bandages.

"Uhh, what happened Deku? Why's your arm bandaged up?" Now everyone's attention was on him, and small beads of sweat formed on his temples. Was attention always this nerve racking?

"Oh, Umm you know me! Always getting into accidents! Fell down some stairs on the way here -  recovery girl said it was alright." Lie.

"Oh okay!" Blissfully unaware was Ochako, who moved swiftly on to try and change the conversation that favoured her more. She was still trying to win his attention, wanting her crush to notice her.

"Fucking idiot." The snort herd from the other side of the room was unmistakably his.
Why was he even listening?

"Uhh k-Kacchan! I need to speak with you for a moment," Izuku gulped, "I-in private..."

People were a little shocked at that; Izuku willingly going into a smaller room - alone - with Katsuki. Eyebrows rose and conversations came to a stop as the room watched the two.

"What? Why?" Was his snappy response.

"I need to tell you something about Auntie."

Conversations continued and the lull of noise fell over the room again. It was just family matters.

"Fine - but if that hag has anything nasty to say about my mark imma kill her!" He got off the far couch, passing Izuku and grabbing his wrist on the way to his room. The contact oddly made Izuku blush, heat rushing to his face faster than he could extinguish it. Katsuki didn't notice.

Once safely in the room, door shut and noise block out, the teens just looked at each other.

"Well? What about mum?" Katsuki asked, crossing his arms and expectantly looking at the other. He never used 'mum' in anyone's custody, surprising even himself when the word fell freely from his tongue.

"I lied." Okay, not a great start...


"This has nothing to do with Auntie - you wouldn't come if I didn't say something like that so I lied." He looks pissed, he's gunna be furious when he finds out! Joy.

"You little fucker, think you can just control me using lies?! I'll break yo-!"

"WAIT!! there's an actual reason I needed you here, it's just a really big thing and I'm not sure how you'll react and I don't want to die tonight but I have to tell you cause you'll kill me if I don't..." the short mumblings drained away, quiet and shaking. Izuku took a risk, glancing up to meet Katsuki's gaze and try to read his expression. Confusion, laced with something else...

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