Chapter 11: Iman Drunkington

Start from the beginning

I looked at the brownies I couldn't resist. They looked good. I grabbed one and ate it. And it was so good. So, I started eating them up. I ate about 6 maybe 7 or probably 9.

20 min later....

"Nicholas, I need a drink." I giggled. I was laughing nonstop and very hyper.

"C'mere doll let's get you a real drink." Nikki grabbed my hand and led me to the bar. I was smiling so much I felt like I was on cloud nine. I sat at the bar and started laughing so much at absolutely nothing.

"Hey Jack and coke." Nikki said to the bartender.

"Noooooo I drink Cranberry juice." I yelled hitting him on the shoulder.

"Ok sweets, cranberry juice and jack for her." He pointed with that same devil's smile on his face.

Another 10 mins later...

I was 5 drinks in when I got on the dance floor and started doing cartwheels in my heels and dress. I was chasing after the waiter trying to grab more brownies from him with Nikki chasing after me.

"Give me the fucking brownies." I grabbed the tray from him and started running and bumping into people. I tripped and fell and ended up rolling underneath the table eating the brownies.

"Princess I think you're done with the brownies." Nikki crawled under the table and grabbed the tray.

"How dare need to get me more. I need another drink."

What am I even saying I have no idea? But my mind is racing and I'm happy.
I ran back on the dance floor grabbing people drinks and downing them. I thought it was funny and people were laughing with me.

"What the fuck Nikki. What the fuck is she doing?" Mick asked Nikki.

"Holy shit is she wasted?" Tommy laughed

Nikki turned around to see me taking people drinks and drinking it. He then ran to me on the dance floor to get me off it.

"Hey, come on you're done." He grabbed my arm.

"Fuck off no I'm not." I pulled my arm back and ran from him. People were staring at me and really starting to laugh. So, I laughed. Until I saw another brownie tray. I dashed towards it like a track star and grabbed the tray. But the waiter wouldn't let the tray go.

"Let the fucking tray go or I'll hit you with my big toe!" I yelled.

"You need help, and I'm not letting go!" The waiter yelled back.

I yanked it from his hand so hard that he let it go. I ended up flying back wards and knocking into another guy whose drink spilt on him.

"Oh woops" I laughed

"You think this is funny you wasted bitch." He grabbed my arm.

"Oh, pee you.... you smell. Aaaaaaaand it is funny." I then leaned and breathed on his face and started laughing.

"Laugh at this bitch." The guy then back handed me, and I fell backwards hitting the ground hard with the tray splattering on the ground with the brownies.

"You're a fucking dead man." I heard Nikki yell. He clenched his fist and swung; his fist nailed the guy on his right eye. The rest of the Motley boys came charging at the guy.

I was so out of it I didn't even see what was going on. I heard yelling and screaming coming from different directions, I was dizzy, and my head was hurting. But on a positive note, there was a brownie in front of me not smooshed and ready to be eaten. In fact, it was talking to me. I was hurt but I could still eat this one. And so, I took a bite and laughed about it.

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