Chapter Forty-Three

Start from the beginning

“Jeez Dylan, you really need to up your game,” said Mitch when we joined them.

“Sally, I can’t believe you won,” replied Dylan, leaning half his weight on me. Someone was a little bit drunk, soon-to-be flat out wasted.

“Looks can be deceiving. I may be small, but I can drink.”

Dylan only got worse as the alcohol began to affect him, and I sat him down on the couch next to Mitch and a now slightly drunk Sally, and I went to look for Sam.

I found him with Matt and Elle in the kitchen. Elle was one of the few girls who weren’t dressed in rabbit or fairy costumes; she was dressed as a witch.

“Alec, did Dylan really get beat at beer-pong by Sally?” she asked, giving me a hug.

“Yeah, he did. Actually Sam, came to ask-“

“I’ve seen the state he’s in. Of course you can stay the night,” he said, laughing.

“Cheers man.”

I left them and went to get Dylan. People were beginning to leave so it wasn’t so crowded, and when I reached the couch I managed to pull Dylan to his feet and put his arm back across my shoulders.

“How are you getting home,” I asked Sally and Mitch.

“We’re just going to walk, it’s not that far to Sally’s place,” said Mitch.

“Right, well I’m going to drag him up the stairs, I’ll see you guys later,”

“See ya,” said Mitch, right before he had to catch Sally and stop her from falling off the couch.

Slowly, Dylan and I made our way up the stairs with Dylan complaining every step of the way.

“Alec, carry me.”


“Babe, just-just leave me and go.”

“You are such a drama queen.”

“Save yourself.”

“Dylan, just one more step.”

“I can’t go on.”

“Yes you can.”

“I’ll die.”

“No you won’t.”

Once we were at the top Dylan stopped complaining so much and I eventually got to one of the spare rooms. I dragged Dylan through the darkness and let him collapse onto the bed. I turned on the bedside lamp and went back and closed and locked the door.

Dylan was all but passed out on the bed, lying on his back. I sighed and went over to the bed and started taking off his shoes.

“Alec?” mumbled Dylan.


“Are you undressing me?”


He laughed and sat up, leaning on his elbows. Most of his face paint had come off, but his eye-sockets were still dark, making his blue eyes seem lighter.

“This is a bit of a roll reversal.”

I knew exactly what he was referring to. I placed his shoes on the ground and kicked mine of before sitting up next to him.

“Yeah, but last time I had just told my parents that I had a boyfriend: I didn’t get beat a beer-pong by Sally.”

I helped him sit up properly and moved closer to him.

“Here, hold your arms up.”

He did as I said and I pulled his t shirt up over his head before throwing it onto the floor. He managed to unbutton his own trousers and peel them off while I unbuttoned my shirt and took off my jeans and socks.

“Wait there,” I said. I got up and went to the joining bathroom and ran a hand towel under the warm water. I wiped the fake blood from my face before rinsing the towel and taking it to Dylan.

He was sat on the edge of the bed in his white boxers, and he looked up when I came back in. His drunken gaze drifted over my body, and I felt slightly self conscious in only my black boxers. Hopefully Dylan didn’t see me blush in the low light.

“Here, wipe your face,” I said, handing him the towel. He quickly wiped the face paint off and handed me back the towel which I quickly put back into the bathroom. I closed the bathroom door and crouched down in front of Dylan, taking his face between my hands. I smoothed his hair back from his forehead and he looked up at me.

“Do you think you’re going to be sick?” I asked softly.

“No, I’m not a lightweight like you, Brooke.”

“Haha very funny.”

I stood up and pulled the covers back, helping him lie down. I got in the other side of the bed and rolled over so I was facing him. There was no point telling him about Jayme right now, it would have to wait until morning.

He reached out and took my hand, and I lay there watching him as he got comfortable. His eyes were struggling to focus, and he yawned.

I squeezed his hand. “Just go to sleep, we’ll talk in the morning,” I said, and I leaned over and kissed his head. When I lay back down, his eyes were already closed and his breathing was steady, already asleep.

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