11. Nightlight

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Plant with care, and you will be rewarded with the harvest you deserve.

The Manuals of the Bunker, Vol. 2, Verse 12

 2, Verse 12

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Dinner was a cold broth with strange, pale chunks floating beneath its dark surface. Remembering Amy's remark about flatworms, I skipped it.

Now, I lay huddled in the sour smell of a filthy blanket on the cold concrete floor. Sleep hadn't come as my thoughts had tried to cope with the past events. It was all so bizarre.

They had arrested my dad, and probably the craner, too. I had no idea what was going to happen to them.

The only thing I knew was that I had to get the pump fixed. It might be a way to save my father. And the only one who might be able to help me with that was Ed.

Even though I didn't want to drag Ed into this. I took a deep breath, trying to push these thoughts from my mind.

The constant hum of the pumps was punctuated by George's snoring and Sam's wheezing.

Amy lay curled up around a threadbare stuffed animal with a round head, round belly, and fluffy ears. I had never seen such a creature—I wondered if there had been animals like that living on the surface before the strife destroyed it.

She murmured in her sleep.

What would the bishop do with these people if I told him about them?

Boss still sat on his overlarge chair, eyes wide open. Was he holding vigil to keep me from running?

Running wasn't in my plans. I wouldn't be able to find my way out of here. And they'd soon take me to my cavern anyway.

Even then, once they took me to our cavern, running would make no sense. What was the use of running if you had nowhere to run to? And my plan required me to return, with Ed.

I closed my eyes in yet another attempt to sleep.


Moments or hours later, Boss broke the silence. "It's time."

Sam got up in a quick move. George cursed and asked for breakfast.

"We just had dinner," Boss said. "And has turned dark in the caverns now, so there's no time to waste."

"Okay, let's go." Sam picked up one of the lamps and gestured waved it towards the ladder.

Before I could follow him, a clammy hand grasped my ankle. It was Amy's. She looked up at me, bleary-eyed. "Hey, don't ye run. If ye do, I'll come to haunt ye like a Gath."

"I'll be back," I said, wondering what a Gath was.

"Good! If not, I'll smack ye for good." She curled around her stuffed animal and closed her eyes.

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