Chapter 5

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I started to walk away from the spot where me and Elijah had kissed, I had this huge smile plastered upon my face, but I couldn't stop thinking about Kol. Why did I do this? What's going to happen when he finds out?

I then came back to reality at the sound of my name being called, so I looked up to see. "Esther"

I then felt something hit the back of my head and I fell into a pit of darkness.


"Mother what should I do with her" my loyal son Finn asked.

"Keep her in the circle but keep her behind you so nobody see's, my son" I replied. I had something planned, I did not want to do this to her but my children need to learn their mistakes and maybe this will motivate them.

"Okay mother"

It has been a while since she was knocked unconscious and it is now dark and almost time for the ritual, I am just waiting for the Bennett witches to arrive and here they come.

"Bennett witches. Thank you for coming. I can think of no better allies than the woman who sent Mikael into his long sleep and the girl who fought Niklaus so bravely." I said

"Why exactly did you invite us here?" Abby I believe her name is spoke

"You are the descendants of the witch Ayana. She was a great mentor of mine and I think it's only fitting that I draw from her bloodline." I stated.

"So are you channeling our ancestors?" The younger Bennett asked Bonnie.

"I draw from the entirety of the Bennett bloodline, living and dead. The connection affords me great power, although it is somewhat difficult to maintain, which is why I require you, mother and daughter. The bloodline made manifest. Tonight, my sisters, we shall bring peace to the spirits of nature that we serve and for that I thank you." I replied.


I was in the Salvatore boarding house waiting for the brothers, I feel horrible for doing this to Elena but I know that both brothers will do whatever they need to do to keep her safe, so it is my only option. I then heard the door open and voices. It was then my cue to enter.

"Hello, Stefan." I said.

"He has Elena." The older Salvatore stated. Younger vampires, no respect.

"Actually, she's with Rebekah. As you can imagine, my sister is just dying to tear her throat out. So... if you want to save Elena's life, I need you to help me stop my mother." I replied.

"I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing thousand year old resurrected witches, I'm a little rusty." He said a little two cocky for his own good.

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