Start from the beginning

Elaina shot up from her chair. "Shut up!"

His face then slowly started to transform into one of disgust. "Ugh, wait, that means the two of you..."

"I said, shut up!"

Lila had a stunned and confused look as she watched on. "Aren't you all related?"

"It gets complicated with these two," groaned Diego, his face still looking as if he was about to vomit. "Gross,"

"We're all adopted!" argued Elaina as she pointed to the man.

Elliot stood at the doorway, watching the interactions between the four. He decided it was best to not join in and just silently kept drinking his coffee.

"Alright, that's enough!" exclaimed Five, slamming his mug down, making everyone flinch. He looked towards Diego and Lila before exhaling. "So much for keeping this under wraps..." he mumbled before running his hand through his hair. "Listen, we're all adults here. That being said, whatever happens between Elaina and I is none of your concern. Got it?" he narrowed his eyes as he looked at the two. "So not another word about the subject."

Lila nodded her head while Diego still looked like he wanted to say something. He opened his mouth, only for Elaina to cut him off.

"Diego, I swear to God, you say anything else about it, and I will go into elaborate details as to the events that occurred," warned Elaina as she laid her hands flat on the coffee table and leaned towards her brother. "And I promise, you will be traumatized and will never be able to look either one of us in the eyes again."

Diego looked at Five, only to see the boy smirking with a dark twinkle in his eye, staring at Elaina's back with pride, making Diego audibly shudder and groan.

"Enough," Diego waved his hand dismissively, his face scrunched up. "I give, alright? No more."

Elaina smiled as she grabbed a spoon off the table and leaned back. "Good boy," she said, plopping back down in her chair.

"Getting back on topic," Five said, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his blazer. "I know where Dad is going to be tonight," Five held out the paper to Diego, who snatched it from the boy and opened it.

His eyes quickly scanned the invite, Lila leaning her head on his shoulder to look at it as well. "Where'd you get this?"

"Found it at his office while he was busy stabbing you," smiled Five, making Elaina giggle as she had her face turned, looking at the hickey in the spoon's reflection.

Diego chuckled sarcastically at the two while Lila hummed, still looking at the invite.

Diego turned his attention back to the invite and started to read it out loud. "Hoyt Hillenkoetter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a gala."

"Whoa wait," said Elliot, finally coming out from his doorway. "Hoyt Hillenkoeter? Are you serious?"

"You know him?" asked Five.

Lila suddenly gasped. "We should go," she told Dirgo, making him look at her. "Says there's gonna be a seafood tower."

"No, Hillenkoetter is... is one of the Majestic Twelve," he said, walking up to the group.

"The hell is the Majestic Twelve?" asked Diego.

"What? It's a... a secret committee. Uh, scientists, military, uh, deep state," explained Elliot, walking over to his work desk. "No one knows what they really do." he said, searching through his things.

"Wait, so they're government?" questioned Diego, grunting as he tried to sit straight.

"Shadow government," corrected Elliot. "Yeah, Kennedy was the first president to try to push 'em into the light, but these guys are not to be trifled with. Oh... Oh, here we go," he said, finding the piece of paper he was looking for and walking it over to the group. "Ah, right here," Elliot came between Five's and Elaina and placed a picture on the coffee table. "This, uh... Oh, right here," he pointed to a specific man that sat with a group of men. "That's Hoyt right there."

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