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(I'm re writing this after it all got deleted and it's currently 6:24 AM I haven't slept yet soo yeah if it's bad I'm sry.)

As he walked down the cement sidewalk to get to his home.
The sun was bright and there weren't many clouds at all. Most would say that the day was a beautiful august day, they'd be correct but It was also a lovely day to be out.

Which is why he heard the laughing and hollering of excited children playing. Of course he would, he was walking by a big park that was fashioned with many playgrounds and trees.

He wasn't that far from his home but it was still wasn't really close either, so as he walked and listened to the children he couldn't help but think about the days from his child hood and suddenly a memory played out I'm his mind's eyes like a movie.

He was in his old childhood home living room his mother was sitting in a rocking chair and he stood near her as his small six year old self was crying about what some kids had said. Now when he was younger he wasn't bullied, sure there was the occasional rumors in his school and the kids that decided to go and pick on the weaker to "teach the a lesson" which he thought was just completely stupid but, he was never bullied.

So whatever those kids told him back then must have had been something really rude. he watched his younger self look up at his mother with his brown eyes filled with tears, his mother gave him a look fill with love and sympathy as she picked him up and put him in her lap to sit and she then sighed as she told him,'' when I was around your age, I think I was 7, something similar happened and my father told me this saying that goes a bit like 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' so don't let their words get to you because their words can only hurt you if you let them"

As she continued to tell him stories of when she was younger her eyes glossed over as she got caught up in the many memories.

He was brought back to reality with the loud popping snap of a branch under his foot as he looked up he saw the stairs to his house door

He took his keys out of his pocket and then went to put his house key in to the lock but he was interrupted by the buzzing of his phone in his back pocket. He unlocked the door went in side and then locked his door because of safety reasons. He pulled out his phone as he leaned against his locked front door in a comfortable position, and as he started at the phone he spoke out to no one but him self and
said," what does jon want now?"

His tone of voice sounded very annoyed but it was all because of the stress he was under and he was tired.

Jon: hey Bryan I need to ask for a favor

Bryan looked at the phone and said, "well ask it instead of telling me you need to ask me something!" In a joking tone as he typed away at his phone.

Bryan: wut do you need? I'm home rn so if it's smth that the amusement park or the animotronics need I'll get it tomorrow. 

Bryan moved from leaning against the door to walking to his bed room then his phone buzzed again so he of course checked it.

Jon: I need you to fix rockstar freddy some kids broke smth not sure what tho and do you think you could upgrade lefty and maybe molten? since those two haven't been upgraded yet like the rest were from the beginning of the amusement park.

Bryan looked at the message and all the amusement left his body as the only thought he had was that he was tired and he'd be more tired tomorrow but that didn't matter he had a job to do so he sighed and typed.

Bryan: sure what time should I get there tomorrow also doesn't molten already have those upgrades put in to his system?

Jon: maybe round 3:00 am
And yeah I didn't remember
abt that..

Bryan: kk bye I have to go feed matches.

Bryan sighed as he plummeted down to his bed he didn't really lie he did have a cat named matches and he did need to feed her but he just also wasn't in the mood to talk to any humans or possessed animotronics.

As if on cue his black cat, matches, jumped up on to the bed and patted his head with her paw. As if saying "you good?" or "did you just die?" He went with the first option and
said," I'm good matches just tired," which was a quarter of the truth but wasn't like she could understand him.

So he then stood up from his bed, walked to the kitchen with matches following him. His house wasn't small but it wasn't a medium sized house either. But he loved his house because it fit him and his cat better then he could ever ask for as he continued to walk to the cabinet matches jumped up to the countertop as he pulled out her wet cat food and as he put the cat food in her bowl ,which was of course on the floor.

His attention was soon caught by his stomach growling from hunger so decided to make a quick cup of raman, cause who would really pass raman up?

He decided that the house was way to quiet then he liked so while waiting for the raman to cool he put on a random reality tv show for back ground noise.

Yes he still had the drowning feeling of dread and and stress but at least he had matches, his raman and his little home.

After eating his raman he flopped down on to the couch followed by matches jumping on to the couch to lay with him as he watched the show he had put on earlier. As he and matches were laying on the couch he set his alarm just in case all the sleep he lost would catch up to
him, and it did.

But before sleep had its grip on him he thought about the saying his mother taught him when he was young. It was strange that the saying did work but it also didn't. Because when you try not to let words of others hurt you they sometimes can hurt. Especially when the harsh words come from the people who you love.

And just like he slipped in to a dreamless sleep.

Words: 1321

Author's note: if any things is spelt wrong or is confusing please do tell me. If any thing doesn't make since by the way I write it's because I'm writing this on a phone and it may also be because of the way i talk.

I do take constructive criticism.

Thank you for reading this far it really means a lot to me!!!

Sticks and stones |TTF A.U| (being Rewriten as another book)Where stories live. Discover now