That's Not True!

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Webby's POV

How do I figure out who my parents were!! 

Should I ask granny? No. She might lock me in the mansion just like the other time I asked her. But I am older now...

I'll just ask her. Right. She can't be mad at me, everyone would ask these type of questions! Yes! I will ask her!

*Time skip brought to you bye Dewey's feet!*

Bentina's POV

As I was gonna get something to eat, I heard a light knock at my door. "Come in," I said.

"H-hello." Webby stuttered. 

"Webby! Oh hello darling, why don't you have a seat." I said as Webby said as she closed the door.

"Oh hi." Webby said, rather quietly. This was definitely not the Webby I know! "What's wrong, dear?" I asked, worried.

"Oh nothing...- What happened to my parents! And if you don't tel me, I will-"

"Calm down Webby, I will tell you what happened to them."I said a bit startled.

Webby's POV

I couldn't believe it. She was gonna actually tell me! "You'll  actually tell me!!" I asked overjoyed.

"Actually, I will let you read it." I said handing her a note. I hope she will understand.

'I'm not related to you.Before You get mad. Me and Scrooge found you at S.H.U.S.H agency. We just couldn't tell you the truth. Please Understand.   - Bentina Beakly'

What? What does she mean 'not related'! Was I calling a stranger 'granny'? And why wouldn't they tell me!!???

"What does that mean!?" I screamed.

"Webby, calm down" I said soothingly. "NO, I WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU' I screeched, tears fogging my eyes.

'Webby-" " DON'T WEBBY ME!!!" I screamed as I ran out of her room.

"Webby wait!" But I didn't hear the rest. I was far from her room.

As I went to catch my breath near the exit, I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"Webby darling, what's wrong?" Scrooge casually asked. "I'LL TELL YOU WHAT'S WRONG. BENTINA BEAKLY IS WRONG, THIS IS WRONG, YOUR FAMILY IS WORNG, YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!" I exclaimed as I pushed s hand of my shoulder

I didn't plan were I would run to, but as long as it was no where near the McDuck family. Right now I wished, I was not even part of their stupid family. Wait, I wasn't part of their family was I !!!???

The words Scrooge said echo through my mind,"You're not family!"

UUUGGGGHHH!!!!! I was so mad! I saw a broken building, wrecked from the demolition.

I decided to to climb it anyways. It was not like I had anything to loose.

When I reached the top I was welcomed by a beautiful pastel sunset. It was like living in a painting, a beautiful painting. I was awed.

'Beautiful, isn't it?" I heard. 

I turned to my right-

HA HA HA !! Again, I love cliffhangers. 

But no need to worry, I always and I mean ALWAYS, update. Sooooo, don't be too cranky and blame me behind my back. Or front. I really don't know where you live.

But anyways, Bye my darlings.

Love   R E Y L O 4 L I F E 

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