Please come back to me

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It had been a almost two weeks since Celeste had been born, you where still in pain from the birth but it was very slowly disappearing. You sat in your room crisscrossed one of your breasts out, as your daughter latched into it. You where humming a random tune to a song, Celeste wasn't a fussy child and didn't cry too much. Chuck was still at the bunker, trying to get near Celeste. But you stayed in your room most of the time, playing with Celeset or beast feeding her and sleeping. The only time you actually left your room was to get food, and you tried your hardest to ignore Chuck which didn't really work.

You heard a knock on your door, and you held a blankets by Celeste's head covering your breast and her head.

"Come in." You said calmly.

The door opend and there stood Jack a happy smile on his face, he seemed overjoyed for some reason. You hadn't seen him for a few days, and everyone was worried when he suddenly left. But he did eventually call saying he was out getting stuff for Celeste, and that he wanted to go alone and do it by himself.

"Jack, I'm glad to see you got back safe." You said.

He nodded "How is she?" He asked, walking in and closing the door.

"She's good, very good. She's not too fussy thank.... Well whatever." You grumbled.

"How are you feeling? Anymore pain?" He asked, sitting on the end of the bed.

Jack had called everyday to check on your pains, he was worried and you could tell. Hell everyone was worried you would suddenly drop dead, you had given birth to a nephilim and survived. The first human in history to survive the birth of a nephilim, everyone except for Chuck for some odd reason.

"I'm feeling better, still in a bit of pain. But its disappearing very slowly, I'm sure I'll be okay." You explained.

You removed a sleeping Celeste from your breast and pulled your shirt down, you moved the blanket from her face and stood walking to her crib. The only time she slept in her crib was during the day when she napped, you always kept her close clearly overprotective of your daughter.

You sat back down on the bed and looked at Jack "Where have you been Jack?" You asked.

He smiled "Just been busy, looking for....things I think Celeste would like." He said.

You could tell his was lying just by the tone of his voice, but you didn't want to ask. You where just glad he was back and safe, you wouldn't be able to handle loosing anyone else. Out of habbit you looked down at your hand that had feather burns on it from Castiel's wings, using your free hand you dragged your finger along the outlines.

"I wish he got to meet her, i-i....." You paused as a tear slipped down your face.

You let out a shaky breath and tears fell down your face, you looked up and met Jack's gaze.

"If-if I had killed Az-Azzamath quick enough.-" you led out a shaking sob "If I killed him fast enough he would still be here."

Jack had a look of sadness on his face "Y/n, it's not your fault. You know that, Cas wouldn't want you to ever blame yourself." He said.

You let out a deep shakey breath tears staining your cheeks, you wiped your tears away and nodded. You knew Jack was right, Cas hated when you blamed yourself for anything.

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