A surpise

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Ben just got to his parents place he then knocked on the door and walked into see his parents, Gwen, grampa max, and Julie with ship all looking mad at him and a little sad Ben asked mom dad what's wrong and they said don't call us that your not our son we adopted you and we are sick and tired of you getting us mixed in with your hero work then Julie said I'm tired of you always ditching me we are over Ben was hurt beyond reason he looked at Gwen and grandpa max and they just glared at him Ben just turns around and runs when he finally stops he sees a green light flash in an alleyway he walked over and looked to see azimuth and azimuth says Ben you are not worthy of the omnitrix hand it over Ben just asked why azimuth.  Azimuth say because of who your father is Ben just yells who is my father please tell me.  Azimuth just groans and says alright your father is vilgax Ben just stands there shocked that he doesn't notice azimuth taking the omnitrix and disappearing after azimuth left Ben stayed there in shock for another ten to fifteen minutes when he came to he ran for the only place he thought he could go he went to Elena validus workshop thinking it is abandoned when he walks in he is surprised to find Elena validus talking to vilgax of all things to say he was shocked for the second time that day he froze not sure what to do he went to run but found himself stuck he looked down to see Nano chips keeping him in place he looked up to see Elena validus and vilgax looking right at him and for the first time in his life he felt actually fear so he just crouched down trying to make himself as small as possible seeing this vilgax and Elena validus was surprised then they herd him mutter about his father and being powerless and being betrayed when vilgax looked at ben's wrist to see no omnitrix there Elena validus moved the chips from Ben to the door and walked over to Ben when he saw her coming over to him he just scooted back until he got to the wall when he realizes he couldn't get any farther he just tried to make himself into a ball and started to cry when Elena validus got to him she just bent down and heard him crying she had her chips move him to the couch where vilgax was sitting when Ben felt heat next to him and he moved closer to it not realizing where it came from after a few minutes Ben looked up to see where the warmth was coming from to see vilgax and ben accidentally said father vilgax just looked at him with a shocked face Ben just looked at him scared of what he said and  Elena validus had a questioned look on her face Ben went to get up and run but vilgax just grabbed him and forced him back on the couch and holds him there Ben doesn't even struggle and this surprised vilgax Elena validus just asked why did you come here Ben said to hide from them vilgax and Elena validus looked at him and asked who are they when Ben didn't say anything vilgax just squeezed Bens shoulder a little and he asked again who are they and Ben blurts our my so called family and vilgax asked what happened to the omnitrix Ben told him azimuth said I wasn't worthy and took it all because of who my real father is vilgax didn't know why but he wanted to Comfort Ben but he didn't and asked who is your real father Ben looked scared to say who it was but turned to vilgax and said I was told it was you vilgax to say Vilgax looked bewildered was an understatement vilgax didn't really know what to say he turned to Elena validus and asked if she could do a dna test and she just nodded her head and got some of vilgax dna and went to get some of Ben's blood but Ben wouldn't stop moving so she just used a chip to get his blood she then put the two dna in a machine and waited for the results after a few minutes the machine beeped and a paper came out that said there dna is a match she told vilgax the news and vilgax did something Ben never thought he would do he hug him and said son I'm sorry I didn't know.

Ben Tennyson betrayedWhere stories live. Discover now