Chapter 8

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(Still Allison p.o.v)

I turned around to see Nolan sitting back on the chair with his finger placed on his chin. I couldn't help but stare at him carefully. "Where's my aunt and my cousin"? i asked and stepped back a little.  He pushed himself up from the chair and was now walking towards me. "They told me to tell you they won't be back til midnight so that gives me plenty of time for us to talk". I could see he was trying to hide the threat but it showed clearly.

   Just as i was about to run up tue steps my hair had gotten yanked back. My body felled down the steps and he took that as a opportunity to take a hold of my arm and pulled me towards him. "I didn't respect the way you talked to me on the phone and i heard that fuckers voice in the background"?! He shouted in complete anger.

    I tried pushing him away but my back collided with the stairs. "Im sorry". I spoke in a small voice. The small voice i used only made him more angry. He gripped my neck and held onto it tight. My oxygen was completely closed. I could feel my face turning red.

    The tips of my finger were becoming numb and i started kicking. The wet tears were staining my face and Nolan decided to let go as i felled to the ground. I started catching my breath and sobbing also. "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU, YOU COULD OF KILL ME"?! My emotions towards him were finally showing.

     I could see Nolan's face change from angry to soft. He got on his knee's with his arm's open. "I didn't mean it im so sorry Allison is just that I'm in love with you and i get jealous quick". Nolan said while smiling and it melted my heart how cute he could but his action's showed his true colors. I caught a good grip on the railing so it could help me stand up. I was standing straight up with a shake to my head.

   "I can't love a monster, i can't love someone who constantly hits me, i can't love someone who raped me, and i can't love someone because of fear". Saying the truth felt a huge relief but by the looks on Nolan face i wish i tooked it back.

    Nolan stalked towards me and i took that chance to run. I tripped over my own feet but I didn't mind. I rushed into my room my fingers finding the way to the lock nervously. I twisted it and jumped to the bed.

    Nolan started banging on the door like a animal. Flash back's from when I was living were crawling into my mind and as Nolan banged on the door.


mommy and daddy were in the liviing room talking to a really huge buff guy. He terrified me with his long beared, face full of tattoos, and teeth as yellow as the sun with couple missing teeths. I cringed.

"So it's been eight day's Hector". His voice was strong and deep it made me flinch. I watched the terror look on my mother face as well my father had a small sweat rolling down his forehead. "Oh Carlos I don't have the money but I'll give you something in return". Dad said nervously with his hands shaking.

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