Special 05

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"Alright everyone! Here are what songs we'll be singing at MikuExpo this Friday night " Miku said and dropped a large stack of papers on the table where the other Cryptons sat around .

Rin and Len were busy solving a puzzle that Luka gave them earlier so that they would be quiet for a while . And to her suprise and delight it worked . Resulting in the pink haired lady to have time to reply to some of her fans' emails. 

Sitting across from them ,Meiko and Kaito were both on their phones . Kaito was searching for an alternate and better way to make ice cream , on Google . While Meiko was binge watching a series on Netflix.

However none of the Cryptonloids reached to grab their sheet music, knowing that they'd probably get four songs max'. While Miku would probably sing for the other 80% of the concert as usual .

The tealette noticed that the rest of the group was being unresponsive so she figured that modern problems require modern solutions . And so , she turned off the Wi-fi .

Meiko,Kaito and Luka immediately shot up from their chairs to glare and snarle at the teal haired girl which caused whatever 'work' they were doing , to disappear.

"Miku! What on earth do you think you're doing ?! Turn the Wi-fi back on right on!" Shouted Luka annoyed .

"Chill out guys , i just did that because it's time to practice singing our songs. You were the ones being sacrilegious ." Fumed the younger girl .

"Looks like you still haven't gained everyone's attention though " Kaito added, pointing at the two blondes still unfazed by the whole commotion Miku was creating .

"Ah yes!" Miku exclaimed .

And as soon as Kaito had spoke , Miku knocked down the table, resulting in all the puzzles pieces to fly in random directions.

"Thanks for reminding me Kaito !" Said Miku giggling .

"Fuck off Kaito !" Rin yelled annoyed .

"I thought bros came before hoes man!" Len grumbled .

Kaito sweatdropped nervously ,realising what he had just said. But before he had time to react , Miku dragged everyone towards the large area most people call 'stage'.

"Alright so the first to sing will be-" Miku started but was cut off by Len .

"YOU! It's always you" 

"Can we sing first today , we want to get over this quickly" Rin added.

"Hmmm seems that the low key brats have the audacity to want to sing first in one of MY concerts" Miku paused , rubbing her chin in thought before announcing . "Very well then. You shall go first for this rehearsal little dopplegangers."

Said 'dopplegangers' grumbled colourful words under their breaths but made their way to the stage nonetheless, knowing that they'd be singing the same songs as always .

So they started with one of their personal favorites.

'Remote Controller'

After they were done performing all of their songs the other loids being present, clapped and went to search for their own songlists.

However our leek loving diva didn't seem as satisfied with their performance as the other loids were . Something wasn't right . She could feel it in her veins.

And as Rin and Len were walking down the stage's stairs , Miku walked up to them .

"Hault ! " She exlaimed , taking by suprise both of the mirror images.

"What do you want ? " asked the two blondes in unison .

Miku observed the two teenagers closely , trying to find what was odd with the two today. Until her eyes landed on Rin's left cheek, where a small red dot was resting .

"RIN!" She exclaimed .

"What?" Asked said girl narrowing her eyebrows.

"What's that over there ?!" Said the tealette while pointing at Rin's cheek.

"What is it ?" Len butted in.

"Miku it's nothing " Rin said , realising that Miku was talking about that pimple on her cheek. Also covering a part of her face with her hair and trying to walk away .

"NONONONO! Stay right there ! I can see it !" Miku exclaimed following Rin .

"WHAT IS IT?!"Len asked impatiently .

"RIN HAS A- MPHHH" Rin quickly muffled Miku's words with her hands , glaring her daggers.

"It.is.nothing."Rin said , trying to keep the tealette's mouth shut .

However, while she was busy tackling Miku to the ground , she didn't notice Len removing that piece of hair from her face that she had purposefully left there in order to hide said pimple.

She expected Len to be disgusted by the sight or even puke at how big it was . But instead , the boy's reaction suprised the girl instead.

"It's just a pimple " Len said while shugging his shoulders.

"EXACTLY!" Miku exclaimed . "That's what made your perfomance imperfect !"

"Jeez guys , i thought what mattered was what is on the inside and not what's on the outside" Said Len.

"Well you see Len , that's what you're told to think because you don't have a beautiful outside . So you have to depend on what's on the inside . But you see , people like me , beautiful inside and outside don't have to worry about stuff such as getting pimples . Because we'll still be able to look absolutely stunning!" Miku exclaimed narcissistically and proudly .

"Well in that case , it'd be better to leave such an awesome person such as yourself sing all songs for 3+ hours alone , right guys ?" Smirked Rin, making eye contact with the other Cryptons that were watching what was happening the whole time .

"Ah yes ! Rin is right ! We are no match for you Miku , the concert would only be perfect if only YOU sang ." Meiko added .

"I see that you have finally got the point" Miku said proudly while posing dramatically.

"Yes Miku-sama , that's why we'll go home ." Started Len .

"So that you can have your creativity flowing without us interfering " Finished Rin .

And that way Rin,Len,Luka,Kaito and Meiko turned to leave the building .

But as they were about to close the door for the concert hall , Miku seemed to finally realising what was happening and she furiously turned around .


The five others took that as their que to run . And so they did.

Five attention earning people of all ages were running away from a teal haired demon with great hair .

Their neighbors were surely trying very hard to maintain their calm postures , but we all know that on the inside they just wanted to open their windows and throw the heaviest objects they owned at them.


Remember kids pimples don't make someone ugly . o3o

Vocaloid Skits - mostly the meme squad and the cryptonloidsWhere stories live. Discover now