Chapter 6: The Final Twelve

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Piper, Jayne, Hunter, Megan, Taylor, Ash, Jade, Kate, and Oliver are were all sitting at the lunch table in the far right corner, when Ash asks, "Guys we so need a ship name for Taylor and Oliver."

"what the heck is a ship name?" Taylor asks laughing while munching on her potato chips.

"Its when you think two people go good together and you mash their names together to create one, and i am all for it." Oliver said jokingly. Oliver was always saying how he loved Taylor for her hair or how shes beautiful, but everyone always knew he was joking.

"Okay, well whats their ship name going to be??" Megan asked while eating her banana.

"How about Toliver?" said Jade. Everyone started laughing, and saying Toliver was the new ship. Even Taylor was saying it. "TOLIVER! Wait! What about Megan and Pipers ship name? I mean their actually dating?"

"Theirs can be Miper!" Kate yells across the table, while she winks at Megan, who's face has turned completely red. Piper is just laughing, along with everyone else. Out of no where two girls come up to the table, one with curly brown hair and hazel eyes and the other with dark skin brown eyes and straight black hair.

"Whats up losers, can we sit here?" The curly brown hair asks. Hunter and Kate laugh a little and the others just smile.

"Take a seat bruh." Jayne commanded. The two girls both sat down in between of Hunter and Taylor.

"What are your names?" asked Piper.

"I'm Avery." the curly brown haired girl stammered as she took two huge bites out of her baloney sand which.

"And I'm Ariana, but Avery calls me Ari." Ari starts taking out her money and leaves to go and buy lunch. The food at their school is disgusting but for some reason everyone buys it.

"So what do you people talk about in this small squad." Avery takes a look at everyone. "Nice hair." she says to Taylor. She smiles in return.

"Ehh. The most random shit you will ever hear in your life." snickers Ash.

"Your new here, right?" Kate asked Avery. She looked familiar, but she couldn't identify her.

"Yea. I just got here. Before i went to some stupid catholic school before."

"So, are you one of those perky girls who never curses and prays to god every night?" Jade asks laughing at her question. Avery widens her eyes an start hysterically laughing.

"Hell no! i hated that school. They practically tortured me there." Avery's eyes were watering since she was laughing so much.

Megan and Kate started their own conversation about a TV show called CASTLE and how they loved it.

Piper and Hunter were talking about Minecraft and their next adventure on the server they were currently playing on. Everyone was having their own conversations when Oliver blurted out, "Guys, i think i found my new wife, and I'm staring at her right now."

Everybody stayed quiet. But Avery just laughed and pointed out, "Ummm, who is he?"

"That's Oliver he is emotionally unstable and extremely weird." answered Jayne. She playfully punched him in the arm. He gave a her look that said, "Its true!"

"Whoa there what about Taylor?" Jade questioned. Taylor gave Oliver a dirty look but recovered it with playful smile.

"Taylor is my Hazel Grace, but there's no rules saying i cant have a wife and a girlfriend." Oliver smirks and Avery becomes alittle more uncomfortable with Oliver but is starting to like him and everyone here. Adri comes back with green beans and fresh fruit and a bagel. On the side she has chocolate milk in a small carton. She asks, "So is anyone going to see the Fault and Our Stars tonight?"

Everybody started talking at once. Everyone but Ash, Kate, and Jade since they weren't huge fans of the book.

"I cant wait to see the movie!"

"Remember to bring some tissues because i am going to be crying so much!"

"The book was so good, and the movie is going to be great!"

Finally Adri decides to stop the madness and yells, "Guys! We should all go to the movies together tonight!"

"Yea that's a great idea!" Taylor exclaims.

So the plan was set. They all were going to meet at their local movie theater, Sunshine Theaters, at 7:30 with a bunch of tissues.

Everybody arrived around seven o'clock so they can get good seats. Only Kate, Izzy, and Ash werent there. They weren't invited.

As everybody was taking their seats the light started dimming and the movie began.

"I'm already crying you guys" Megan said laughing as tears ran don her face. Everybody laughed, but they were hushed shortly after. But, once the movie started, nobody would make a sound.

They were all mesmerized by the brilliant acting and scenery in the movie. All the girls started screaming when Ansel Elort came on the screen, but were yelled by fellow watchers.

When the movie started to end, that's when the real screams and tears came out.There was not a single dry eye in the theaters. All the girls passed around the tissues, hugging each other and telling them it would be okay. But it wasn't. Augustus died shortly after and the girls were bawling their eyes out.

Soon, the tissues and toilet paper ran out, so everybody was forced to use thier sleeves. Once the movie ended, all the girls ran out to grab as many napkins as possible or run to the bathroom to wipe all their left over mascara that dripped onto their faces.

"Guys, I'm literally just gonna sit in my room and cry." sniffled Jayne with few drops of tear on her face.

"Me too." Megan exclaimed still crying like she couldn't control it.

"ME TOO!" Oliver said hysterically crying like a baby.Piper and Hunter laughed, but the girls stayed quiet. They were all going through lots of emotions for a silly reason. Everyone walked to Starbucks, talking about how Shailene Woodly and Ansel Elgort did a phenomenal job in the movie, and how they couldn't wait to see it again.

Everybody slowly got picked up by their moms and dads and left. Soon there as no one to be seen at sunken movie theater.


"The movie last night was so good." Avery said as she walked into the lunchroom and at the table where everybody else was sitting.

"Sure it was." Ash said with a sarcastic tone to her voice.

"Yea, must have been great." Kate said, following along the sarcastic voice Ash started. Sh gave a quick wink at her and smiled.

"Oh god, The Fault in Our Stars stunk last night.I missed an episode of Fairy Tale because of that crap." Said a voice from behind. Everybody turned to see who could have said that about the movie, it was the weird kid named Riley.

"Excuse me? Who are you and why are you talking about the Fault in Our Stars like that?" hissed Taylor. Riley was a small boy who had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm just saying Fairy Tale is way better." Riley commented.

"Oh my gosh. I love you because you hate the Fault in Our Stars and you love Fairy Tale!" exclaimed Ash. She has never met another person who liked Fairy Tale before, this was her one chance. "Come sit and ill tell you about last nights episode."

"Alright, not gonna pass that up." Riley took a seat next to Ash and they dove into a deep conversation about the episode Riley missed.

"Oh no. It looks like another loser has been invited to our squad." Jade said with a grin on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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