Chapter 5: Budding Relationships and Wacky Family

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In the sixth grade Kate and Taylor were in the same class. They became really close friends and when Kate had to go to the office to get her blood sugar tested she was always there. The two were practically inseperable. Jade was also in the same class but she met someone new. Someone she liked a lot. His name was Chris, and he liked her a lot too, but some things aren't meant to last.
After school, Taylor was at her locker collecting her notebook and books when Piper came up to her and said he need to tell her something important.

"What do you need to tell me. what's SO important." Taylor said sarcastically.

"I like Megan." Piper said straight forward.

"SERIOUSLY?!?!?! OMG!!!" Taylor squealed. she knew Megan liked him, but she didn't know he liked her back. so right when she got home she called Megan and told her the news. Megan couldn't resist being happy. she couldn't take the smile off of her face he rest of the day.

On September 23 Taylor was sitting in Language Arts class, when a new kid sat down next to her.
"Is anybody sitting here?" The mysterious boy said. He was tall, and had dark black hair and brown eyes. he also had dark skin.

"No." Taylor said paying no attention to him. She was in the middle of her book, The One, and nothing was stopping her from finishing it today.

The strange book took a book out of his back pack and started reading. It had an interesting cover on it and Taylor couldn't stop looking nice at it. Finally she asked, "What book is that?"

"It's called The Hunger Games, it's one of the best books I have ever read."

"What's it about?" Asked Taylor and a huge conversation began. The boy told her all about the The Hunger Games and lots of other books. All they talked about is books because they both liked them so much.

"By the way, my name is Oliver." he said interrupting the conversation.

"Cool my name is Taylor." She smiled at him. They became close friends and she loved all the books he introduced to her.

"Hey Taylor." Jade said to her as she was walking down the hall. "What's up?" Taylor kept walking and keeping her head down. "What's wrong with her?" Jade thought.

Through out the whole day Taylor's head was down and she wouldn't even talk to her friends. They all were wondering what was up with her.

"What's up with Taylor?" Kate asked.

"I don't know I didn't see her at all today." Ash explained.

"Is she sick?" Megan said with a concerned look on her face.

"No she's not. I saw her today in math class and she was bawling her eyes out. she was sent to the principles office and I haven't seen her since" jade said. Suddenly they all heard a small voice behind Kate and Jade.

"Hey guys." Taylor peeped. she looked horrible, and everyone saw it.

"What happened?" Kate asked.

"I can't see my dad for 2 months. No calling, no texting, nothing." Taylor buried her head in her arm and cried. "I hate my parents, they suck."

"It's alright. my parents suck too. my dad lives in New York. I barely go see him." Ash says with tears in her eyes. "I know how you feel."

"My parents are divorced by i still see my mom and dad. it ends up okay afterward." Kate says with a smile.

"My parents aren't divorced but they still fight. but they don't suck as much as I do." Megan says with a laugh.

"You don't suck, I do. I have this weird disorder called motoritise tickle." Taylor says wiping off her tears.

"What's that?" Jade asked.

"It's when my mind makes me think I can't breath so I feel like someone's sitting on my chest and it makes me breath weird and sometimes it hurts."

"But at least you can't really tell. I have Eczema. that's why my face is always red." Megan says rubbing her face where the red spots are.

"I would rather have either of those then my messed up teeth." Jade says closing her mouth so you don't see her teeth.

"I think we can all agree that were pretty messed up." Kate says laughing. Everybody laughed and they all had a group hug.

In early December, Ash and Megan were sitting next to each other talking about the new anime that was out, when all of a sudden they saw a girl with dark brown hair and purple tips come up. she wore glasses that covered her blue eyes and pale skin.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked.

"No, come sit. what's your name?" Ash asked.

"My name is Jayne."

"That's cool. I'm Ash and this is Megan." Ash said. Megan waved at her with a smile on her face.

" Wanna hang out after school with the rest of us?" Megan asked.

"Sure." Jayne said smiling. She was happy she was finally making some friends, after she had failed in the beginning of the year.


Thank you guys for reading our book. this is my first time writing this book because I was writing our other book, The Land of Caspia so you guys can check that out to. Hope you guys liked it!

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