“It’s never your fault.” She unplugged the coffee machine and poured the beverage into two separate mugs. “Why don’t you take a good look at yourself in the mirror?” 

“Stop it.” He knew she wasn’t being literal but the duel meaning the phrase could have irked him. Even if he wanted to literally take a look in the mirror, he couldn’t. He broke all of the ones that had been in the house in a fit of rage years ago. 

“No! You were cursed to learn a lesson! A whole year and half later and nothing! It’s time for you to change.” 

He stood there for a minute, unmoving. She had never confronted him and he had liked it that way. It was how their relationship worked. He went out and hunted down criminals, she never asked questions - only cooked and cleaned. It was what she was paid to do anyhow. 

“You know you were wrong to take her. You know you keep making mistakes. What are you going to do to change that? Huh?” She waited for his answer, hand on hip. 

“I . . .” 

I don’t know. 

“Exactly.” Carina scooped up the two mugs and swiftly headed out of the kitchen. 

“Where are you going?” 

Her ponytail swished after her as she got closer to Bethany’s bedroom. “To feed your prisoner!” 


What has become of my life? 

Bethany hadn’t slept well. She kept having nightmares about the fire, Ryan Daniels, and her home. The events wouldn’t stop echoing in her mind. They haunted her like a ghost. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the flames and in the shadows of her room she saw Grayson or her mother. 

Grayson . . . 

Her heart sunk in her chest. She missed his dimpled smile and the warmth he carried in his eyes. That had been her favorite physical quality of his and was most likely everyone else’s. His eyes were able to make you feel cared for and seen, even if they only spared you a passing glance. 

Bethany was greeted by Carina with a cup of coffee and a new change of clothes. The knitted sweater and jeans were made for a slightly taller person but had fit her body better than the clothes she slept in. She couldn't help question if there had been a Mrs.Beast in the picture at one point who these could have belonged to but the Beast himself didn’t appear very old to ever have a Misses in the picture. 

Nevertheless, she drank her coffee and ate the boiled eggs that were provided to her with thanks. She decided that the anger she felt wouldn’t be directed at the maid. She was only doing her job and even if it was questionable, Bethany didn’t know the circumstances. Maybe Carina was having money issues and this was the best or only job option for her. Whatever it was, the kindness she displayed towards her made it too difficult to give her the cold shoulder. 

“This room is kind of bland. We could add some color if you’d like or move some of the unused furniture in here,” she had offered, earlier, sipping her own coffee in the doorway. 

She knew she meant well but the thought of the two of them giving the room a make-over made Beth feel nauseous. The very act of making it more comfortable was solidifying the idea that she would be stuck there for many days to come. 

“That’s alright, really.” She wasn’t lying either. Objectively speaking, the room was better than her room back at home. 

“Hm, okay. I’ll give you some time to think about it. It might just be something to do.” As she exited the space, Beth realized that it wasn’t simply a room decor task but a "distract yourself from the fact  you’ve been kidnapped and held against your will" task.  

Finding Beauty (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now