Beth’s eyes snapped open at the thumping sound coming down the steps. Carina’s shadow passed her cracked open door to the kitchen and then back. She couldn’t help herself as she hopped out of bed and followed her up the stairs. 

“Didn’t he tell you to stay downstairs?” She was cradling a water basin against her chest with a rag slung on her shoulder. 

“Is he going to be alright?” There was no sense in the question. Beth witnessed him take down a strong and burly man after being burnt with a flamethrower. He even carried her back to his car and drove her home afterwards. It was like her brain was still on the scene of the crime. “I want to see him. Could you ask him if he’d let me see him?” 

She paused, squinting at the young woman. “Why?” 

“I want to speak to him.” 

“Very well.” She disappeared onto the second level and Beth took a seat on the steps. She hugged her knees and tried to figure out just what she was going to ask.

 What happened to Ryan Daniels? 

Part of her already knew the answer. 

“He says he’s willing to see you,” Carina announced, descending the steps. “Second room on your left. And no arguing . . . You both need your rest.” 

Beth had an easy time finding his room considering she had been there a few hours earlier. As she entered, she wondered if he knew that. She took her time taking in every corner of the space to keep up the charade. If he didn’t have to know she had crept into his personal space and stole from him, then she’d prefer it. 

Teigan’s skin was still horrendous but he was wearing clothing that hadn’t been simmering under a flame. He straightened upon her arrival, sitting up against his headboard. 

“Hey,” she said. Her arms were crossed tightly across her chest, not trusting that her hands would know what to do if she kept them free. 


“Um . . . How are you feeling?” 

“Like a million bucks.” He smiled to himself, shaking his head. “You can’t catch burns so you don’t have to stand so far away. Did Carina force you to come to see me?” 

“No, no.” She moved closer, taking a seat on the stool that had been pulled to his beside. It wasn’t like he could kill her because of his condition and she was starting to see that if that was really what he intended to do he would have done it already. “I wanted to check on you and . . . ask some questions.” 

He sucked in a breath. “About what?” 

She was searching for the words when her eyes found the second rose. It was on the nightstand in a glass of water. It was far less appealing than the other and again the shade of red unsettled her. She swallowed and opened her mouth to speak. Then closed it. 

Teigan followed her gaze. He leaned forward, his eyes scanning her expression. “What? What is it?” 

Her eyes were glued on the flower. She felt as if she were in a trance. “Is that  . . .?” 

She shook her head. That was the wrong question. 

She started over. “You aren’t a normal person. I mean, besides your reputation in the city . . . you look . . .” She was searching for a way to say things that weren’t offensive until she realized this man had taken her hostage. “You look like you're wearing a Halloween mask under your regular mask! You’re inhumanely strong and fast. The way you jumped roofs a few days ago made no sense and you somehow made a grown man disappear!” Beth felt like thread unraveling. “Look at you! You should be burnt to a crisp and even though you are burnt, you are taking it like a boo boo from the playground!” 

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