Chapter 8: Nikki Annoying Sixx

Start from the beginning

"Coming!" I yelled.

I opened it up without even looking through the peek hole, stupid me. And saw none other than Nikki annoying Sixx, and he did not look happy. I tried to shut it right away, but he put his arm between the door and was pushing back.

"Mani please just let me in." He says while he's forcefully trying to get in.

"Nikki go away!" I say pushing back.

With a big push. Nikki forces the door open and the impact sends me flying and hitting the ground with a thud.

"Oh, shit I'm sorry." He laughs.

"It's not funny my butt cheek is hurting your ass!" I yell at him.

"Tsk tsk tsk I thought you didn't swear princess." He smirks.

God, he is truly annoying.

"C'mere doll let me help you up." He wobbles towards me almost losing his footing. He was drunk and probably high.

"You're drunk Nikki, you need to leave Tamara is downstairs." I lied.

"I'm drunk and high." He smirks. "And no she's not."

"And how do you know?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"Because I saw her leave and she's going to be gone for a while." He smiles walking towards my shopping bags.

"So, you camped outside the condo until she left?" I asked walking behind him.

"No, I camped on the 5th floor in some random chicks place. She let me come in with her." He says while pulling clothes out of the bags.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? I mean really!

"Nikki, why are you hear?" I demanded.

"I'm here because you're ignoring my fucking phone calls. I've left you several fucking messages and you're not returning them!" He raised his voice as he got in my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Well of course I'm ignoring your calls. And now that you know one hundred percent that I am, you can go back to the 5th girls' place or get out!" I yelled motioning towards the door.

Nikki smiled then walked towards the couch and sat down he kicked his feet up on the table like he was at home and put his hands behind his head. "I drove here. You're not going to kick a drunk and high guy out of your home to go driving on the streets now will you?"

I can't believe this guy. I was seething with anger. How dare he use something that happened to Vince to stay over here.

"Nikki that is an awful thing to say, that's not a joke. I want you out right now." I say with a stern voice.

"No." He sneered. He kicked his shoes off grabbed the TV remote turned it on then changed it to MTV.

I had enough of this guy. I decided to just call security and have them deal with him. I took off my boots then walked towards the phone picking it up to dial security. Next thing I know Nikki is charging at me grabbing the phone from my hand.

"Nikki stop it!" I yelled trying to grab the phone back.

"Just calm the fuck down, Iman!" He shouted in my face.

I then slapped him across the face. Something I wish I hadn't done because at that point Nikki saw red. He then picked me up over his shoulders with me kicking and screaming. And walked towards my room.

"Put me down now you jerk!" I yelled.

He then threw me on the bed pinning my arms over my head. "Calm the fuck down!" He yelled

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