Chapter 7: Secret Revealed

Start from the beginning

"That was good of you. Who are Hanoi Rocks by the way?" I asked with curiosity.

"There a rock band. The guy Razzle was there drummer, remember the one that was killed in the car crash with Vince."

"Oh yeah I remember."

"Anyways get some sleep, we'll talk tomorrow." She walks halfway out my door then turns around a little "Y' know Nikki has been asking about you since I got to the whiskey." she smiled.

"Goodnight Theresa." I say shoving her out of my room and shutting the door.

So, Nikki was still thinking about me. I thought he would have hated me. But either way I need to stay far away from him and his band.

I woke up the next morning to see a note on the side of my bed that read Went to go get breakfast- Terri. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush and shower. When I got to the bathroom, I saw the guy from yesterday combing his hair and applying makeup on his face.

"Oh, sorry I'll just wait till your done." I said as I backed away.

"Iman, right?" He spoke looking at me through the mirror.

"Hi... um yes, and your?"

"Michael... Michael Monroe from Hanoi Rocks."

"Its nice to meet you. I'm a... I'm sorry about your drummer Razzle." I whispered.

"Thank you." He responded as he wiped the make up off his face. And started reapplying it.

I watched him do that a couple of times and realized that could be a coping mechanism for him.

I turned and headed towards the living room. Nikki was sitting on the couch with another guy watching the news. He didn't look like him self, in fact he looked terrible.

"Why's Vince on the news?" Nikki asked with a slurred voice.

"That's for the manslaughter charge Nikki." I looked at him.

"Oh yeah." He leans his bed back on the sofa.

"Hi I'm Andy I'm from the rock group Hanoi Rocks, and you must be Iman." He got up to come and shake my hand.

"Hi yes I am. I'm sorry about your drummer Razzle," I shook his hand.

"You are a beauty; I can see why Nikki likes you." He looked down at Nikki and smiled. He walked back over and sat on the couch.

Nikki just glared at him. His eyes were droopy and red, and he smelt really bad.

"So, have you talked to Vince?" I asked sitting next to Nikki.


"Why not?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Because he ruined my band." He scoffed.

"Oh, well don't you think-"

"Don't you think you should shut up and mind your own fucking business!" He snapped.

"You know what Nikki I'll do just that." I got up to walk back to the washroom but turned back to give him a piece of my mind. " Vince is your band mate, your best friend, and your brother. You guys just finished a successful tour that not many rock bands have been blessed to have. I'm sure you have experienced some of the best times together and shared stories and even shared girls with each other. And your telling me that you can't even pick up the phone to call him, or visit him. He needs your support." I turned on my heel and walked away.

The door opened and Theresa came in with Robbin carrying breakfast for everyone. She set it down on the table and the boys started to dig in. I showered and stayed in the room rehearsing my lines for my audition and worrying about my first interview on TV ever with Joan Rivers.

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