Chapter 5

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Hey I am back! Sorry it has been a while I have been busy with school and stuffs.

The team was in the conference room discussing about what Naomi told them last night. Jane said with a cup of coffee in her hands, "we have to tell Naomi I am pretty sure she would forgive us." Reade said, "I don't think so. Telling her could destroy her and our friendship. Besides we didn't tell her father on purpose he was a criminal and it is our job to kill criminals."

Before anyone could react to what her just said Naomi and Frankie entered the conference room with smiles on their faces. Naomi said,"Good morning everyone I know you are wondering why we are here. We came to help you guys solve cases today so you won't have to call us anytime you need our help." Tasha said,"That is awesome. Naomi about what you told us last night we wanted to ask you a few questions about your dad. Can we?"

Naomi nodded. "Ok do you have any idea who killed your dad?"asked Patterson. Naomi answered,"I don't know I was solving the case I almost found out who the FBI team were but my mum stopped me. She knew if I found out who they were I would go out seeking revenge and she didn't want that to happen so she told me to drop the investigation. My mum knew who they were but she didn't want me to know. Being mocked by kids saying I had no father really pushed me to find out who killed father but the fear of finding out my father's killer overwhelmed me." Jane asked,"What do you mean by revenge?" Naomi replied, "I am not going to kill them. I wanted to blackmail them or expose one of their darkest secret to the world but I stopped that plan because I knew my mum wouldn't want me to get revenge. I just want to know who killed my dad."

Weller said,"Well your father had to be a criminal night? I mean we don't just kill innocent people like that." "No he wasn't. He was working for a criminal named Shepherd. When things got dangerous he wanted out of it but Shepherd said no she threatened him saying if he doesn't comply she was going to kill him and my mum he had no choice. He started finding ways he could bring her to justice. The FBI shouldn't have killed him they should have kept him in jail for a few years so my mum and I could still visit him in prison. Didn't the FBI know he was having a baby why did they not look at the baby's fate? It wasn't easy for my mum being a single mother that is why I work hard everyday to make my mum and dad proud."said a tear dropping from her eyes.

Frankie took hold of the situation because Naomi never gets emotional but when she does it was always a problem. "Ok let us get out of this emotional rollercoaster and move on to today's case." Frankie said when seeing a drop of tear from Naomi's face. They all left the conference room to the lab.

The day seemed to had gone well for them. The girls occasionally left the building to the DMI to stop crimes. The team came back from an operation and didn't see Frankie and Naomi. Weller asked,"Where are the girls?" Rich answered,"I don't know maybe they went home or maybe they went to do some ridiculous activities because they keep making ridiculous excuse to leave when their watches starts beeping." Jane said,"Let us go and train I miss punching your face."

The team went to the training room and was surprised to see Naomi and Frankie training. Naomi was awesome. When the girls noticed the team watching them they stopped and smiled. "How did you do that kick? When did you learn those moves? You need to teach me how to do that."said Rich. The rest nodded in agreement. "Ok fine I would teach you. I started training when I was six. When I got angry or sad and I wanted to blow off some steam my mum would tell me to train and kick the air. I started training and immediately it became my hobby. I programmed Frankie how to fight. Before I train you I need to take on your best fighter blindfolded." "You want to fight one of us blindfolded."said Naomi. "You want to fight one of us blindfolded?"asked Tasha. "Of course I need to test your group strength. I can do that by fighting the most powerful person in your group. So who am I fighting?"asked Naomi.

Weller stepped forward. Naomi smiled and tied a black cloth to blindfold herself. The fight was intense but Naomi took the victory. She was able to sense his attack even before he kept it into action. Weller was panting in exhaustion. He asked,"How were you able to sense my attack before I even did it?" Naomi smiled,"I have been training since I was six I am thirteen now so I am used to it." The girls knew that was half the answer the remaining one was that she had magical powers so she could sense the attack on her before the impact she couldn't tell them that because no one is allowed to know she has magical powers not even her mum.

There were times she wanted to tell her mum she had but she didn't want to put her mum in danger. If a villain knew she told someone about her powers the villain could use it against her. Her mum made her to have powers. When her mum was pregnant she touched a magical book that was being held by a fairy and elf thereby transferring magic to her unborn child.

There was a time she accidentally revealed magic to her neighbour. It was a huge disaster. She got suspended for a month because of her carelessness and her neighbour's memory was wiped with magic. She couldn't go to the DMI for a whole month. She was sad and bored because most of her friends especially her best friend lived in Magicville. Since then she became more careful when using magic. "Ok I am very tired and I need to get home ASAP and just dump my head on the bed but before we go Frankie and I have something for all of you." Naomi said while smiling. She brought out six wristwatches that looked like hers but just a little bit different. She told each of the FBI agents to put it on. Weller asked while admiring the wristwatch on his wrist,"What is this?"

Naomi answered,"Remember the watch I told you I invented, the one I named bulletproof well this is it so as a token of our friendship I decided to give you this so I can have rest of mind when my FBI team is our there in the field. I love the fact we trust each other now." The team was so happy when she was talking but their face dropped when she mentioned trust. They immediately went back to smiling before she noticed. Rich said,"I am so happy at least now I know with this watch I am indestructible and have super fast reflexes."

Before Naomi could comment on what he said her phone started ringing. She said,"I have to take this it is my mum she doesn't know I am at the FBI if she knows she is going to kill me so keep it down a notch." She answered the phone and kept it on loudspeaker so Frankie could hear. "Hi mum how is LA"said Naomi. Devon voice was heard on the phone. The team heart melted when they heard Devon's voice. "Hi darling how are you I miss your voice so much. Where is my little robot?" Frankie answered,"I am right here. Hey mum." "Oh hey Frankie. Where are you guys anyway the background sounds usually quiet?"asked Devon.

Naomi knew she had to lie to her mum which was one thing she hated doing. She answered,"We are at home we were really bored before you called. So why did you call?" She changed the subject. Devon answered with joy,"I have great news I am travelling to New York in two days time to visit my restaurant I have to take care of things. I am going to stay for two so I can spend time with my babies. I am going to handle my restaurant to Jasmine to take care of while I am away."

Devon had a restaurant named heritage food. She had branches all over the world. She had in Canada, Orlando and so many locations. The headquarters was in Los Angeles. The were really successful she even had coffee shops. The girls were really happy when they heard the news. "Oh my God mum I am so happy I can't wait to see you. I need to prepare the house for the best mum in the world."Naomi said not able to contain her excitement. Devon said before hanging up,"I have to go kiddos can't wait to hug you till you can't breathe."

Frankie said,"I am sorry guys but you can't visit or call us except if it is a matter of life and death for those two weeks. If my mum finds out we are hanging out with FBI agents she is going to freak. I am going to miss your faces for those two weeks." Naomi added,"Frankie is right my mum doesn't even want to be close to an FBI building. We have to go I am very tired and sweaty. Frankie we need to call Spencer to help us in the preparation also in cleaning the guest room for mum."

"We understand we won't call or visit for those two weeks we only call if it is a matter of life and death. Anyways who is Spencer?"said Tasha. Frankie replied,"Spencer is our cousin. He is sixteen. He is this kind of big bro we look up to. He is a hacker like Naomi. His father is like a dad to us. His dad took care of my mum when she was pregnant and also helped her in starting her own restaurant I mean he had to help his younger sister right. Bye guys." The two girls left the training room. Jane said out loud,"I wonder how these two weeks is going to be with Devon around."

End of chapter five. Hope you guys liked it😁

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