Chapter 2

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  N.B:I am changing the name of the book from Blindspot to the life of Naomi.

One week later, at the FBI office "Good morning everyone anyway I solved this tattoo located on Jane's back this morning so....."said Rich dot com."We solved it together you don't have to take credit for everything."Patterson interrupted."I did most of the work so I think I should take credit."answered Rich."Guys can we talk about the tattoo that you both solved."said Reade a little bit frustrated.

"Ok sorry anyway this tattoo looked like he logo of HCI company. You know the company where they look into diseases and their cures. We thought how can the logo of a medical company be on Jane's body?"asked Patterson."We knew we were missing something and that when it hits us if you look at the tattoo closely you would see shaded squared and non shaded squares in each lines if you assemble them together based on their number it would give you the number 15234."continued Rich."So what does the number mean?"asked Jane."We don't know yet but we feel it has something to do with a file that is highly classified."answered Patterson."Ok Tasha and I would go to the company and see if we can get our hands on that file."said Reade.

In Naomi's house, Naomi looked pretty tired obviously because of lack of sleep."Good morning sis you look weak didn't you sleep last night?"asked Frankie with a hint of concern in her voice."Naomi replied,"Not really I stayed up all night trying to solve some puzzles. I better go shower.What are we eating for breakfast?""Ok I thought something was wrong. I am glad I don't shower. We are eating bacon and eggs."answered Frankie."You don't shower because you are an highly sophisticated android."said Naomi walking to the bathroom.

At HCI company, "Good day we are agents from the FBI.I am assistant director Reade and this is special agent Zapata.We want to see the manager of this company."said Reade. The secretary picked up her phone and made a phone call. She drops it and said,"My boss would see you now.

"They entered inside an office at the end of the hallway."Good morning I am Mr Williston the manager of this awesome company.How may I help you?"said the middle aged man smiling."I am agent Reade and this is agent Zapata we would like to see a file with the identification number 15234. It is very important."said Reade. He looked at his laptop on his desk and said,"Ok let me check......I am sorry but that file is highly classified outsiders aren't allowed to see it.I wish I could help but I can't."Reade asked,"Could you please tell us about the file since we aren't allowed to see it." Mr Williston replied,"I don't even know what the file is about only my boss is allowed full access to that file." "Ok thank you we would be leaving."Zapata replied with disappointment. The two FBI agents left the office without getting what they wanted. Zapata asked,"So don't we get this file."

"Patterson where is the file kept?"asked Reade. On earpiece, "It is kept in a room in the second floor and it is heavily guarded. You need to use the back door so you won't get caught by workers."answered Patterson."Ok let's move."After beating up the security guards for the twenty minutes,the two agents finally got their hands on the file."Ok Patterson I am sending you pictures of the documents."said Zapata.

At the FBI lab, everyone payed close attention to what Patterson was saying.Patterson said,"Ok we have bad news and good news.The bad news is that the file talks about the missile that is going to hit south of New York and we have one hour to stop it. The good news is we can stop them if we hack into the missile controls and that is impossible because of the high security. It could take years to hack it and we have just one hour." "Great we are to stop a missile from hitting New York and we don't have a skilled hacker to help."Weller said frustrated. Rich said,"I do know a hacker and a very skilled hacker at that but you are not going to like who it is."

At Naomi's house, Naomi is on the sofa typing on her laptop while Frankie was in the kitchen making lemonade. "Is the formatting complete?"asked Frankie.Naomi answered,"Nope sixty five percent." They heard a knock on the door. She went to open the door. She saw agent Weller and agent Doe at the front door. She said,"Oh hi how can we help you." Agent Weller said,"We need your help."

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