Chapter 1

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There was a knock on the door and Naomi rusher to open it thinking it was her cousin. She was surprised to see two men on her front porch.
She asked, "Good day and how can I help you?"

One of the men answered, "My name is Agent Davis and this is Agent Marcus. We are from the FBI. We have a warrant for you and your sister's arrest."

Naomi resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She asked someone in the house,
"Frankie what did you do?"
A girl came running towards the front door. She looked like an eighteen years old. She was definitely older than Naomi.

The girl asked, "What do you mean by what did I do? Oh, we have visitors. Who are they?"
Naomi answered, "They are FBI agents here to arrest us and they refuse to tell us what we did until we get to their office.

Frankie said, "Okay let's go. I know I am innocent and my sister cannot even hurt a fly."

At the New York Office,
The girls were led to an interrogation room and were handcuffed to a white table. A man and a woman walked in, it was obvious that they were federal agents by the way they dressed.

Naomi said, "Can we get this over with because my sister and I have lots of things to do at home."
The woman said smirking, "You guys seem pretty relaxed about getting arrested

"oh" she said, "FBI agents what do they want from us?"

"They need us to come to their office for interrogation." answered Naomi.
The dark FBI agent said, "Can you two stop the chit chat and follow us to the office." The two girls followed the FBI agents to the car.

Back at the FBI office, Agent Patterson and Rich dot com were trying to solve a puzzle in one of the tattoos while Agent Doe and Weller interrogated Frankie and Naomi.
"What do you know about this man that you had to hack into his laptop and what files did you look at?" Weller asked while showing them Director Weitz photo.

Naomi answered, "I don't know what you are talking about."
"Stop lying and tell us the truth if you know you don't want to end up in juvie." Jane replied with a stern look on her face.
"Well maybe you should ask your boss why he paid a hundred thousand dollars to a hitman to kill the director of the CIA." shouted Naomi.
"What do you mean?" asked Weller.

"You know the tattoo that looks like a snake with letters on it well if you solve it you would know the tattoo points to the Director of the FBI and all his crimes." said Frankie who hadn't spoken in a while.
"How do you know we solve tattoos here at the FBI." asked Jane.
Naomi answered, "We might have hacked into the FBI computers and made duplicate of the tattoos pictures."

"Seriously how did you do that?" asked Weller a bit taken aback with what she said.
"Well I guess your expert can't figure that out right." said Frankie laughing.

Back at the FBI lap the team talked about the tattoo pointing to Weitz.
"I don't know how this tattoo points to Weitz. I have tried everything but it still doesn't point to him." Patterson said a little bit frustrated.
"So you think she lied to us." asked Agent Zapata.
Rich said, "well she is a really skilled hacker so maybe yes."

Weitz walked in and they all kept quiet. "What are you guys talking about?" asked the director of the FBI.
"Oh we were just talking about tattoos and stuff." Patterson said nervously. "Whatever all I want are those two girls to go to juvie." said Weitz.
"We can't just take them to jail without them committing any crime." said Agent Reade.
"They hacked into my personal computer isn't that a crime." Weitz said a little bit annoyed.
"But they didn't delete any files from your computer." said Weller already getting angry.

"Well I don't care all I want are those two girls to go to juvie today if we leave them to go Scott free they might do something worse than hacking into the director of the FBI personal computer." said Weitz. "

"We just need to ask them a few questions." Weitz stormed off.
"That guy is up to something. He is all bent on sending those girls to jail. We would keep looking into the tattoo while Weller and Jane interrogate them."said Zapata.

"Oh look they are back what do you want from us?"asked Frankie.
"You lied to us didn't you?"asked Weller. "What do you mean lied to you?" asked Naomi in a confused manner.
"What we mean is that the tattoo doesn't point to Weitz in any way." answered Jane.
"We would show you how to solve the tattoo if you promise to release us." said Frankie.
The two agents looked at each other and said"deal."
"Ok remove our hands form these handcuffs and let's get down to business."replied Naomi.

The team gathered around the lab table to see how to solve the tattoo.
"Ok everyone by solving this tattoo it means we have full access to the FBI computers."asked Naomi.
"Yes" The team said in unison.
Frankie injected a flash drive into a tablet which was connected to a big screen.
"We came upon this tattoo which is a snake with different letters on it. I merged the letters together and it gave me 'Mateo hates JS. We did some digging and we found out Mateo was Weitz nickname in highschool and JS gave me Jeffrey Stapleson and guess whose name is that....." Naomi said. "The former director of the CIA." said Patterson. "Yep looks like someone is following. The next day Jeffrey died. We could easily point to Weitz as the murder but we had no solid evidence. That's when we hacked into Weitz personal computer and we saw a message written in Morse code and we were able to translate it."said Frankie.

"And it gave us "it is done Jeffrey is dead" and Weitz replied also in Morse code "Great job I would send the rest of the money to you" Naomi added "According to the conversation Weitz had with Jeffrey before his death it looked like they were involved in some crimes and Jeffery wanted to come clean and Weitz didn't want that to happen so he killed him. Looks like your boss isn't who you thought he was. You better go arrest him before he kills more innocent people."

Weitz walked in. He asked, "what are those two criminals doing beside FBI computers?" "You can call us lot of things but don't you dare call us criminals."said Frankie angrily. "Or else what are you going to do about it."said Weitz laughing. "We are going to punch your face till it bleed."shouted Naomi. "That is enough! Matthew Weitz you are under arrest for the murder of Jeffrey Stapleson and other serious crimes." said Reade. "Where did you get that trash from? I need evidence." said Weitz with fear.

One hour later, "Thanks for helping us. We are really glad." "No problem. At least now we know we are not in trouble anymore. Ok Frankie let's go home I am really hungry."replied Naomi. At Weller's house, "I can't believe Weitz killed Jeffrey." said Jane with amusement. "I never liked that guy one bit. My mind is telling me our lives at the FBI is about to get a lot more interesting."

End of chapter one. Thanks for reading. I would update more if I get readers. This is my first story so please don't blame me if it is not good.

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