Chapter 4

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Kurt woke up the next morning and went to the kitchen to get coffee. He thought, "I can't believe I slept on the couch. I wonder if Jane is back." He called his wife's name repeatedly but he got no response that was when he started to panic. He picked up his phone and called Jane like a million times but it kept going to voicemail.

He called Reade it rang a few times before he finally answered. "Good morning Reade. I have a problem. Jane's hasn't come back since yesterday night. Please I need help."said Weller panicking. "Ok Kurt I know you are worried but I am pretty sure she came home when you were asleep and left before you woke up."said Reade. Kurt replied, "I know what I am saying I called her number like a million times and it kept going to voicemail." "Ok fine if she doesn't come back before you leave we would track her phone at the office."replied Reade. "Ok thank you very much."answered Kurt.

Jane woke up and still saw herself tied to a chair. She couldn't believe she has been in this room for over twelve hours. Her hands were hurting her due to the rope tied around her hands she tried to free her hands but it wouldn't even budge. She groaned in frustration. The devil herself walked into the room. "Finally you are awake. I better get ready to contact your team so we can make this deal."said Petra. "You are going to rot in jail I promise you."said Jane. "Oh think again sweetie when I get what I want I am going to leave New York. I better get this thing fired."she said while cleaning a zapper. "What are going to do with that?"asked Jane. "Oh you will see this is going to be fun."she laughed evilly.

Naomi was eating her breakfast when her mum called on the phone. Naomi shouted, "Frankie mom is video calling us let me connect it to the big screen." Naomi went to a side of the wall in front of her and pressed her hand on it and immediately a big screen appeared on the wall and Devon(Naomi's mum) appeared on the screen. "Hey mum how is California and everyone there."asked Naomi joyfully. "I am fine and everyone sends their regards. Where is Frankie? I miss that robot girl so much."asked Devon. "I am right here and I miss you too."said Frankie while running to the couch. "So why did you call."asked Naomi. "I just wanted to see how you are doing. I miss you kiddo."said Devon in a baby's voice. The three of them talked for a while before hanging up.

"Patterson have you tracked Jane's phone."asked Kurt. Patterson answered, "I tried several times but it isn't working. I have some information anyway security cameras outside your house showed a man or probably a woman wearing a mask putting a person inside a van then drove off. The person face was not shown because of the angle of the camera but I was able to get the plate number of the vehicle. I tracked the vehicle and it was spotted downtown of Brooklyn with no one inside." Tasha asked, "So the person that was kidnapped might be Jane?" Rich said, "There is an 85-90% chance it is Jane." "Can't you ID the person through the mask."asked Reade. Patterson answered, "The FBI computers can't ID someone with a mask. I have not seen any computers that can do it except one." "Where is the computer?"asked Weller. "It's Naomi computer. I am pretty sure Frankie and Naomi can help us find Jane."answered Patterson. "Ok let's bring them in."said Reade.

Frankie was telling Naomi a story about when someone almost discovered she was an android. "So what happened?"asked Naomi already intrigued by the story. Before Frankie could continue she was interrupted by a knock on the door. Naomi stood up to open the door and saw two FBI agents at the door. "Hi and how can I help you?"asked Naomi. One of the FBI agents answered, "You and your sister is needed at our office. Assistant director Reade said it is urgent." Frankie walked to the door and asked what was going on. "We are needed at the office. They said it is urgent."answered Naomi. Frankie said, "Ok let us go then."

The FBI agents filled the girls the information about the situation at hand. "Ok let me get this straight. Jane is missing and you want us to help you find her. You also want me to find out who the masked guy is."asked Naomi. "That is true. So can you do it or not?"asked Rich. "Of course we can do it. We just have to analyze the......"stopped Naomi as she was interrupted by Patterson. She frowned;one thing Naomi hated was being interrupted when saying something brilliant. "Sorry I interrupted you Naomi but someone is trying to video call us here at the FBI."said Patterson while typing something on her tablet. "Can't it wait we are in the middle of something right now."said Kurt in an intense voice. "It could be important. I say we answer it."said Patterson as she pressed the answer button on the screen.

Immediately she pressed it Jane's face came up on the screen. She was tied to a chair and was also gagged. Weller shouted, "Jane are you okay? Who is holding you hostage?" "Well that would be me."Petra said as she stood in front of the screen. "Who are you and what do you want form us?"Weller had a milion questions he wanted to ask the woman who took Jane hostage but decided to ask those two. "My name is Petra and what I want from you is very simple I want a file with the number 5003 and I want my brother to be sent to Tokyo today my brother is on house arrest so he can't leave the country but I think the FBI can handle that and in exchange I would give you your beloved Jane."answered Petra with a smirk on her face. "And what if we don't comply what are you going to do to her?"asked Tasha filled with mixed emotions. "Well you know what would happen."Petra answered as she used a zapper to shock Jane. Jane winced in pain as she got zapped.

Petra continued, "As I said before if you don't comply she dies and no one can stop me so don't even try to involve the FBI or NYPD officers or she dies you have one hour." The call ended and the team sighed in frustration and confusion. Weller was the one who broke the silence. "We have to answer her requests or Jane dies." The team argued about the idea.  Naomi said, "While you guys were arguing like kids Frankie and I found a solution." "What is it?"asked Weller his face filled with hope. "I analyzed the rumbling in the background and we found out it is a train noise. We managed to track Jane's phone thanks to our high skill set and we got a location but not an exact one within the radius there are three train stations;one on the outskirt of the town which is a really good place to hold someone captive the other two are in really busy places so I don't think it would be there."answered Frankie. Reade said, "Ok let's move."

Long story short the team was able to save Jane and they arrested Petra. It  wasn't easy but with teamwork and skills the team did it again. The team had dinner with the girls at Weller's house. Weller asked while drinking a glass of root bear, "Ok Naomi you don't really talk about your parents and they don't live with you." Naomi looked at Frankie and sighed.

She answered, "My mum lives in California and my dad died when my mum was pregnant I never got to know my dad thanks to some FBI team that killed my dad. You may know them." Jane asked, "What do you mean by FBI team? What is the name of your dad maybe we might know him?" Naomi answered showing a little bit of emotions, "My dad name is Parker and my mum name is Devon. Does it ring a bell? My dad was killed because they thought he was working for a woman named Shepherd. I would really like it if you find the FBI team that killed my father. We have to go home."

The whole team was speechless when they heard Parker's name and they were sitting in front of Devon's daughter. Tasha managed to say, "Naomi can we see a picture of your parent so we can help you." The team wanted to clarify if Naomi was Parker's daughter. Naomi went through her phone and showed them a picture of Devon and Parker eating ice cream. Frankie and Naomi stood up and waved goodbye to their friends. Jane asked still shocked, "How do we tell Naomi that we were the team that killed her dad?"

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