2.1. Sentinel Family

Start from the beginning

Nolan: Well, looks like you three will get along, I'll let you get to know eachother for now, but tommorow be prepared at training ground Alpha understood.

Guys: Yes sir!

Nolan then left and our trio started talking.

Izuku: So, how long are you guys here?

Josh: I came here around a month ago.

Luke: Honestly, I don't remember, I am Nolan's son so I just somehow got here, you could say family tradition.

Izuku: I see, so Josh, why are you here?

Josh: Well my family died 2 years ago during villain attack, from that point I became orphan, but then they kicked me out of there becouse I had „behaviour problems". Then I got recruited and here I am.

Izuku: I'm sorry, I shouldn't asked that.

Josh: It's fine man, it's not like you knew or something.

Izuku smiled: By the way, what are your quirks?

Josh/Luke: We don't have one.

Izuku: Wait really, I don't have one either.

Luke: Well, it's not that weird, alot of sentinel soldiers are quirkless.

Izuku: Really, well that's good to know.

Josh: Ok, now is my turn on questions. So Izuku, how did you get here?

Izuku looked on the ground with sad face.

Josh: Let me guess, something bad.

Izuku nodded and then started explaining how he was diagnosed quirkless, how his sister started to bully him and his parents were totally oblivious to that. Then he told them how his family was lying to him his whole life and his father crushed his dream. But then tear rolled down his cheek when he started explaining what happened to Katsumi and how Nolan stopped him from suicide.

Josh and Luke were totally speechless, it was hard to believe that smily guy before them had to go trough something like that. They nodded to eachother and hugged their new friend.

Josh: I am so sorry to hear that my friend.

Luke: Yeah bro.

Izuku was abit suprised, but he was glad. He finally had place where he felt welcomed, where he felt safe and could be who he is.

Izuku: It's okay guys, it is all in the past.

Luke: Good to hear

Josh: So, that girl Katsumi, was she pretty?

Izuku got stunned by the question but answered anyway.

Izuku: Well yeah, she was really pretty. And what about you guys, have you found some girl?

Josh: Nope, I didn't.

Luke: Well, I do have a girlfriend.

Josh: Wait, you never told me about that.

Luke: You never asked.

Josh: Ok, fair enought, but you better have a picture of her.

Luke: As a matter of fact I do.

Izuku: Nice catch man, what's her name?

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Izuku: Nice catch man, what's her name?

Luke: Her name is Tara, but I think you owe us also picture Izuku.

Izuku: Ok, ok, no need to push so hard.

Josh: Looks like you have also good eye on woman bro

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Josh: Looks like you have also good eye on woman bro.

Izuku: Thanks

And so our trio continue talking and getting to know eachother until it was time to sleep.

The next morning

Our trio got up early in the morning and made their way to training ground Alpha.

Izuku: Hey guys, is sentinel training hard?

Josh: I don't know, this is my first training here.

Luke: Mine too, dad told me something about they wanted to train us as team with atleast 3 members, so since you are here Izuku, we can officially start our training.

Izuku: Interesting, well no point in overthinking, let's just get to training.

Luke/Josh: Agreed

Once they got to the training ground, they saw a man with black hair in tactical gear waiting for them.

Once they got to the training ground, they saw a man with black hair in tactical gear waiting for them

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???: Hello there, you must be the newcommers Nolan told me about. I am Major Nagumo and you boys are?

Luke: Luke Verilion sir.

Josh: Josh Kusatsu sir.

Izuku: Izuku Yagi sir.

Nagumo: Good, you know how to talk with superiors, that makes things easier.

Nagumo then told boys their training plan.

Boys were swetting just from reading and all of them thought the same thing: How could we get the Devil as trainer.

2 hours of running full speed

200 push-ups

200 sit-ups

Nagumo's everyday secret special exercise

1 hour rest

Repeat till night time

With that, out boys had to start their training, needles to say that Izuku was weakest from them and he was aware of that, but he wasn't angry or sad about it, becouse Nolan gave him chance to became stronger than he could ever hope to be, and so Izuku decided: No matter the occasion and no matter the obstacle, I won't let anything stand in my way. 

Man I just wrote around 5000 words in two days, anyways I hope you enjoyed this.

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