Shopping Center

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Sophia POV

I woke up and looked at my phone, it was 8:32 in the morning. I got up, took a shower and put on some washed out blue jeans, purple t-shirt and a big white hoodie. I also put my hair in a messy bun.

I walked down to the kitchen and saw everyone already there. "Look who finally got there lazy ass up" "Shut up Gray!" he just laughed "Good morning" i said "Good morning" everyone replied.

"So, what did you do last night, you are usually the first one to wake up?" Amber asked me and started to move her eyebrows up and down. I blushed and said "W-well i couln't sleep so i wrote in my journal" "boring" Lily said, i just glared at her. "You mean your diary" Lev teased me "no, my journal" "diary" "journal" "diary" "journal" diary" "shut up" i said to end this.

Lexi and Veronica were making some breakfast and it was almost done. "Can someone put the plates on the table?" Lexi asked as they were finishing the breakfast "I will" Vincent said and Cameron and Christian helped him. After they put the plates on the table, the girls finished the breakfast and we all sat down.

They made some crapês and scrambled eggs. I got two crapês and ate them with nutella. After, i got a little bit of eggs and toasted bread.

After breakfast we all went our own ways. Gemma, Lexi, Scarlet and Lily went to grab some coffee. Shawn and Alex went to their room and played card games. Theo, Lev, Coco and Amy were driving around the neighbourhood. Cameron, Vincent and Christian were playing on Wii in Vinc's room. Crystal and Pearl were making bead bracelets. Aaron, Liam, Phillip and Sebastian were playing soccer outside. Amber and Tiffany were outside too, they were practising volleyball. And me, Gray and Veronica were watching Euphoria.

"Hey, what time it is?" Veronica asked me, but she didn't turn around and still had her eyes on the TV. I checked my phone. "It is 15:06" i said like nothing, but then i realized it, it was three in the afternoon!? "I think we probably should do something more productive" Gray said and me and Roni nodded.

"Tho, what should we do?" Roni asked and we started to think. "Well i think we can go grocery shopping?" Gray said after few minutes of thinking. "Yeah, that is a good idea" i answered and we went tell the others that we are going grocery shopping. And if they wanted to go with us, everyone said yes exept for Tiff, but after some time she agreed too.

Today we didn't go by all the cars. There were four people in each car instead of two.

Sophia, Coco, Aaron and Gray
Crystal, Pearl, Alex and Shawn
Amber, Tiffany, Veronica and Lexi
Scarlet, Amy, Theo and Lev
Gemma, Lily, Vincent and Liam
Christian, Cameron, Sebastian and Phillip

We agreed that we are going to a shopping center with a grocery shop because we wanted to go to other stores too. We went to our car. Gray and Aaron were in the front with Gray driving, while me and Coco were in the back "I think it will be great. At least we are going to be faster then if we were only three" i stated "Yeah" Coco agreed with me. The ride was going great.

We arrived at the shopping center and i heard that Lev and Scarlet were singing "Let It Go" really loudly in the car. I'm happy i wasn't in the car with them.

Amber POV

We went in to the shopping center. "We should separate into small groups, so we don't have to go in such a big group." i said "Yeah, but what groups?" Crystal asked "What if we go in groups of four, like we were in the cars" Alex said and we agreed. "Okey so group one, Coco and the rest, will buy the main things we need, like - eggs, flour, yogurt, milk atc.. Group two, Shawn and the rest, will buy some baking stuff, like - vanilla extract, chocolate chips, cake mix atc.. Group three, Amber and the rest, you will buy side dishes, like - rice, pasta, bread atc.. Group four, me and the rest, we will buy some snacks, like - chips, candy, chocolate atc.. Group five, Phillip and the rest, you will buy some meat and some fish. Group six, Liam and the rest, will buy the items that aren't in any of those categories i listed before and fruit and vegetables. Each group will buy their own needs." Theo said and we headed the way we needed to go.

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