Good Idea

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A/N Okay before i start the chapter i just wanted to say some stuff. This is really stupid to write but in my head it sounded better. Okay so in the world where the Zodiacs are living, babys are born smart but to learn it more they go to school till there 14. I know it sounds stupid but it will make a big part in the story. Okay that's all. Now you can enjoy this cringy chapter.

Sebastian POV

I just jumped on my bed and took my phone and when i opened it i saw i had new message.

A/N Here are just the nicknames in the chat:
Aaron - Ron
Veronica - Roni
Tiffany - Tiff
Theodor - Theo
Gemma - Gem
Gray - Mr. Gentleman
Christian - Chris
Lev - I'm sexy and i know it
Vincent - Vinc
Shawn - Mr. Mystery
Sebastian - Seb
Scarlet - Scar
Coco - Nala
Cameron - Cam

Group chat: Army of dumasses

Roni: Hey, I'm bored

Cam: What are we supposed do about it?

Roni: Well i don't know. MAYBE ENTERTAIN ME

Lily: Can you both shut the fuck up?

Cam: No.

Tiff: I know what you can do Roni

Roni: Really?? What is it??

Tiff: Well me and Sophia went to get coffee at the new café on our street. So maybe you can come?

Sophia: Really Tiff? Now everyone will come

Mr. Gentleman: Your right about that Sophia. 😉

Ron: I am already on my way with Roni

Tiff: Sorry Sophia. 😅

Sophia: Doesn't matter anymore🙄

I got up from my bed. I grabbed my wallet and keys and said bay to my mom.

I'm sexy and i know it: I'm the first one here. Where are you people?

I'm sexy and i know it: Also I'm sexy and i know it 🥵

      Your ugly and you show it😉 :Seb

Scar: Truth fakts

I'm sexy and i know it: Hey i thought that you were my best friend Scar😭

Scar: I am but that doesn't mean i can't make fun of you 😉

Lily: i am almost at the café

                                                 Me too :Seb

Theo: I just read the texts, so I'm gonna be kinda late so you have to wait for me

Amy: What if we don't?

Theo: I...don't know? But it won't be good

Cam: Ok we will wait for you

Gem: I just met Lily so we are going to the café together

Mr. Gentleman: We didn't need to know that...

Gem: Of course you did. You have to know everything from my life cuz it's interesting

Roni: We are here!!!

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