Chapter Seven

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As the days passed by, Adrien found it harder and harder to function. Every little movement felt wrong, and he couldn't help but think he did more harm than good now a days. Was that the curse of the black cat miraculous? Or was it really that he was that naive like Kagami mentioned to him during their fencing practice one day a few weeks after Marinette had left?

It was getting to the point where he wasn't sure what to do anymore. Not even when Ladybug was emotionally compromised and had to leave Paris. He even saw the signs she was struggling, and as her partner he should have been able to ask what was wrong but he didn't. He let her take her anger out in battle, let her be danger too herself.. He was a failure as a friend and super hero, and it became more evident as the days passed as Lila spun her web of lies. 

The very web Marinette had wanted to stop when it begun, and the one he told her to leave be. He had really thought Lila would get caught up in her own lies, but she never did. It was scarily impressive. 

Weirdly enough, he had noticed a shift between Alya and Lila that wasn't there before. How Alya remained more quiet than before and observing the brunette liar. What had happened there? Adrien wanted to ask Nino, but his best friend had distance himself more recently from the class. The last Adrien knew was Nino was doubting his relationship with Alya, and it all came back to how they treated Marinette. That and Nino was upset with him since Adrien decided to tell him the truth on what happened with Marinette. It strained their friendship too.

"I grew up with her Adrien."  Nino tells him, sitting at the park bench as they waited for Gorilla to come pick the blonde up. "I knew her better than anyone else, including Alya. At one point we were best friends since childhood."

"What happened?" Adrien asked softly, watching as guilt consumed his friend next to him. He couldn't help but keep an eye out for a possible purple butterfly who would try to take over Nino.

"I wanted to be the better boyfriend." Nino huffed out, "I wanted to support Alya in her choices, and because of that Marinette was hurt. Lila, she lies. She is lying to everyone and I wouldn't bbe surprised if she bullied Marinette. The signs are all there. Marinette was acting the same she had when Chloe would bully her. Withdrawn to herself, silent, tired, sad. I chose to ignore it and god, I wished I was a better friend. The friend she deserved."

It was then Adrien realized how much Nino cared about Marinette. How close they had been and what he had seen her grow through. Nino had told him stories how Marinette grew in her confidence, how she came out of her shy shell and spoke up for others. How she forgave Chloe as the years went by, never telling anyone but never one to hold a grudge. 

"You aren't the only one to blame." Adrien says before even thinking it. 

Nino gave him a look, "What do you mean?"

His nerves came back in full force, because how was he suppose to say this? There was no good way to say thing, and Chloe already chewed him out for it. A fear took hold that Nino would leave him, that their friendship would be in turmoils. Yet maybe that was what he deserved, and Adrien would accept that. 

"I knew." Adrien couldn't look Nino in the eyes, so he settled on looking at his shoes. "Marinette wanted to expose the truth of Lila lying to the class, because that's how good hearted she is. I told her to wait it out and take the high road, that Lila's lies would catch up with her and an akuma could be avoid. I know now that was wrong, how thoughtless it was for her emotions."

Adrien was expecting anger, ready to be yelled at. Yet he was met with a laugh, a laugh full of  sardonicism. It was anything but humorous, so being daring Adrien looked up at Nino who's face contorted into disbelief. 

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