Chapter | Eleven

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When May returned home, she wasn't very surprised to find the two teenagers passed out cold still on the couch. If there was one thing in common that the two had, it was being fashionably late due to sleeping in. Only she knew that yesterday had been a more emotionally stressful for the both of them. 

What these two had between them was rare, and May knew that. Especially for their age and to be this connected, it reminded her of Ben. She couldn't help the smile that made it's way onto her lips seeing how Peter curled against Marinette protectively. Chuckling to herself, she took her phone out and snapped a few photos of the two. 

It took about another hour  for Peter to eventually stir from his sleep, softly groaning as he went to stretch his body of the oncoming aches of sleeping so still. Then he felt a weight weighing him down and frozen, momentarily forgetting he had fallen asleep watching to movie soon after Marinette. He glanced down, a smile adoration pulling at his sleeps seeing Marinette snuggled up against him with drool coming from the side of mouth. She was cute, and that was all he could really process in the moment. 

He took note of how relaxed she looked here. How the wrinkle she usually had in her forehead from stress was no longer there. She looked peaceful, and he couldn't help but run his thumb along her cheek. As much as he knew about her, he also knew Marinette hadn't let him in fully. She still wouldn't talk about Paris, and sometimes the topic was enough to upset her. Peter just wished he could help, in anyway.

A flash disrupted his thoughts, brown eyes snapping up to find May standing there with her phone out and grinning an all knowing grin. Remembering the exact position he was in, he flushed but refused to actually move. That would cause pushing Marinette to the floor and waking her up. He knew she barely slept with how she got into her creative mode. 

"You better marry her." Was the exact thing May mouthed to him, pointing at Marinette and then giving him a look as if to say he better do as she said. 

"Can I ask her out first?" Peter mouthed back, eyebrows knitted together to say leave me be, I'm going at my own pace.

"No." May shook her head.

A soft whine drew both Peter's and May's attention down to the Parisan girl that was burying her head further into the crook of Peter's neck. May had to withhold a laugh seeing Peter flush again, because sure she knew he was clumsy but embarrassed was still new. He also looked awkward, and she was sure it was because she was in the room which made it all the better and amusing.

"Five more minutes." Marinette murmured, stretch her own body and not realizing she was still pressed up against Peter. 

This is what caused May to break and laugh out loud at Peter and how red he got. It was enough to make him consider jumping ship and pushing Marinette to the floor. He didn't of course, but the thought seemed tempting. 

Marinette's senses slowly came back to life after a deep sleep she hadn't had in a while. It felt nice sleeping so good since it was a rare type of sleep she hardly ever got anymore. Opening her eyes cued her more on what was going on. First she noticed skin that was not her own. Second, she felt another body pressed against her. Third, she heard laughing and looked over to see May. Horror settled in as Marinette looked back and up into the eyes of Peter Parker. 

Yelping, she stood quick. A little too quick since her knee hit Peter down south, causing him to groan in pain and curl up on himself. May was laughing harder at the scene that just got more and more chaotic. It was a great start to her morning coming home from work. 

"I'm sorry!" Marinette quickly apologized to Peter, over and over again realizing she kneed him in the groin. "Oh my god I am so sorry Peter!"

"It's fine." Peter coughed, "I'm fine."

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