11: stepping on toes

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"There's my big macho man!" Adam whispered as opened the door to his apartment. He scooped up Winter into his arms gently giving him a big hug. "It still hurt?"
"Little," Winter said, his words getting better day by day. I laughed as I held onto Ryan's hand a bit tighter.
"Well, hey. I've got someone very special I'd like you to meet Winnie. Are you up for it?" Adam said, pointing towards the living room. Winters face lit up with excitement.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Winter said, his mouth open wide with a smile. Adam laughed and welcomed us into his and Emily's apartment.
"Here's your new best friend, Win," Adam whispered, gently sitting down by Emily who was holding their small baby in her arms. "Winter Metzger, I'd like you to meet Archer Metzger."
"Baby!" Winter yelled, pointing to Archer. We all laughed loudly as Winter's smile couldn't be tamed. Winter bent down and gave little Archer a kiss on his forehead, melting my heart.
"He's beautiful you guys," I said, looking down at the baby. "Emily, you are a rockstar."
"Hey, makes me appreciate my mom a hell of a lot more," she laughed.
"How are you dealing with dad life now, Adam?" Ryan asked Adam as Emily handed Archer to him. Winter stood by his dad looking up at the baby with big eyes.
"I never knew one could run on three hours of sleep, cold brew, and nothing but pickles for meals." He laughed, his hands on his knees. "It's only week two with the little guy."
"He's such a doll though," Emily said, looking over at her baby. "Barely cries, cuddles."
"See this stage is the best," I said. "That stage-not so much." I pointed to Winter, who was now banging my phone against the hardwood floor of the apartment.
"How are you guys holding up?" Emily asked, the elephant in the room finally being addressed. "I mean, not to be to forceful."
Ryan handed me Archer for my turn, I looked down at the baby, almost forgetting the question.
"Y'know after many many late night talks and discussions over coffee, I think we've got it sorted out," Ryan said, looking over at me, placing his hand on my knee. "We'll get there."
I gave him a small smile as I turned my attention towards the baby. Even though Ryan and I had made up, I was still hurt over the lying behind my back. Trust just wasn't there at this time.
"Hey Winnie," I said, changing the subject. Winter stopped destroying everything in his path and waddled over to me. "What if I told you mommy and daddy were gonna have a baby like this, huh?"
"What?" Emily and Adam said at the same time, looking at us both.
"Surprise," Ryan said with a pitiful jazz hand expression.
"Wait woah, woah," Emily said. "How far along are you?"
"Four months," I said shrugging.
"Four months and you're barely showing?" She said, exasperated.
"Do you guys think it's wise to have another baby-I mean considering everything?" Adam asked. "I don't mean to step toes."
"We actually found out before you guys left on tour in May," I said, looking over at Ryan. "I mean we are scared as hell, considering what happened with Winter's birth but-"
"We are just taking it one day at a time," Ryan smiled at the two of them, wrapping his arm tightly around me. "We aren't even thinking of the negatives. Just one day at a time."
"You mean to tell me you're gonna be pregnant at my wedding?" Jess asked as she stared dumbfounded at me over her cup of coffee. "Lauren, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant, especially with all the stress you just had this summer?"
"It wasn't my main priority," I shrugged. "You know what I mean, It wasn't the biggest thing going on. Ryan and I had to fight some battles before we announced anything."
"And to think, I thought I was gonna be able to do a line of shots with my maid of honor," Jess scoffed, setting down her mug. She looked at me with even more excitement in her eyes. "I'm gonna be an auntie again!"
"Ryan told Jack last night while they were working and Jack flipped because he I guess was like 'I've got Winter, now Archer, and now another baby? Can't keep up!'"
"It's crazy how grown up we are," she said. "I mean look at us, I'm getting married, you are married with kids. Since when did the groupies of Phi Kappa Psi who did keg stands become adults?"
"Life's hard when you're married to a famous guy," I laughed, sipping my decaf coffee.
"And how are you and Ryan doing, y'know with the whole Natalie thing?"
"The press finally died down," I sighed. "I just know once I start showing things will kinda beat back up, but what can you do?"
"Is he still sleeping on the couch?" She asked me hesitantly. I shot her a look. "What? I don't mean to step toes."
Just then, Jack and Ryan were standing outside of the coffee shop window we were sitting at with Winter of Ryan's shoulders. Ryan said something to Winter and the two of them started blowing kisses at us, Jack smiling.
I smiled, feeling my heart grow and skip a beat. Ryan caught my eye, giving me a small wink.
"We are just taking it one day at a time," I said, finishing my coffee.
"Thank you so much for dinner, babe," Ryan said, coming from behind me as I washed the dishes. "I just put winter down for bed, securely this time."
I let out a small laugh as I rinsed off a plate, setting it in the sink. Ryan rested his head on my shoulder as I turned off the water.
"I've missed you," he said, kissing the crook in between my neck and my shoulder. "Ive missed these shoulders, these arms, your smile," he said looking up at me.
"You do know how to make a girl head over heels for you, Metzger," I said, looking him into his eyes. I looked away, wiping my hands dry from the water and headed towards the stairs. "Goodnight, Ry,"
"Goodnight, Lauren," he said, giving me a small smile as he stared at me with loving eyes as I stood at the bottom of the staircase. He leaned against the kitchen counter, watching me walk up the stairs. I heard him shuffle to the living room when I reached the top, flicking off the kitchen light.
I walked into the bedroom and finished up my nightly routine. As I applied my moisturizer, I couldn't help but remember the last good night Ryan and I had in this room,

     I heard Ryan let out a small laugh as he wiped away his tear.
    "We are having another baby," he said,  in a happier voice.
     "We are having another baby," I repeated, laughing with him as we kissed. "We just have to keep thinking of that. Another baby running around here."
     "I hope it's a girl," he said quietly. "So she can be as pretty and kind as her mother"

    I stared at myself in the mirror, looking at my small bump. I looked over at the nightstand where a picture of Ryan and I stood perched up.
    I sat on the edge of the bed, holding the picture frame in my hands. There was just something about that damn smile of his. His eyes bringing heart and warmth to anyone. I could hear his loud laughter through the photo.
    I set the picture down and hesitantly moves to the bedroom door. I opened it slightly and made my way down the stairs into the family room, where Ryan was laying on the couch, watching TV.
    "Hey Ry," I said quietly, crossing my arms. Ryan paused the TV and turned around.
    "It's everything okay?" He asked, peeking up a bit.
    "Everything's fine," I reassured him. "I-Uh. I was wondering if you wanted to come up to bed."
    Ryan looked at me, a small smile escaping the edge of his lips.
    "A-Are you sure?" He asked, hesitantly getting up.
    "Yeah," I said. "A king sized mattress gets lonely after awhile."
    He shuffled over to me and wrapped his arms around me, looking down at my small frame. He planted a soft kiss on my lips. A kiss I'd been craving for weeks.

The Good Part (Sequel to 'Normal') जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें