6: hold my hand?

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"What are your guys' plans for the day when we get to Chicago?" Jack asked, taking a bite of his apple.
I looked over at Ryan, who was eating breakfast with Winter. I was wondering what our lie was going to be, but he was oblivious.
"Uh," I said, thinking on my feet. "Since you guys are taking Winter for a bit, I think we are just gonna have a little date day without a kid on our hip, y'know?"
Jack smiled, chomping on his apple.
"You guys are such a married couple, It's gross," he laughed.
"Oh shush, you are gonna be in the same boat as us one day," Ryan laughed. "When you and Jess have a million kids running around, you'll be begging for a break."
"That's what grandparents are for," Jack said while dropping his shoulders, looking at Ryan like he was stupid. "Don't tell me you haven't pulled the grandpa card before on dad."
"Oh, 1000 times over," I laughed, putting more Cheerios on Winter's high chair plate. "Half of those times we just stayed in and watched movies."
"Uh huh," Jack laughed, jumping off of the counter. "I'm surprised you guys don't have a million kids yet."
I stayed quiet as I cleaned up the kitchen area of the bus, Winter trying to say words in the silence.
"Lo, I didn't mean anything like that," He gave me a look of 'I think I fucked up'.
"Oh," I said, turning to him. "I know that, don't worry. I'm just more concerned as to why you dive into your brother's sex life."
Ryan choked on his coffee, being sent into a fit of laughter.
"Try living with him for a few years in college," Jack laughed, throwing away his apple core.
I laughed, joining Ryan and Winter at the pullout table. I sat on Ryan's lap, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he sipped his coffee.
"I love my little family," I said, kissing Ryan's nose.
"Me too," he said, smiling back up at me. His eyes creases crinkled even more with his big smile that always melted my heart.
"Such a married couple," Jack said, entering the bunk hallway.
"Mr. and Mrs. Metzger?" The nurse said, coming into the waiting room. Ryan and I both looked up, getting up from the plastic chairs to follow her into the ultrasound room.
"So, we have got all of your paperwork from your doctor back in New York," she said, taking us into the room. "We are well aware of the very high risk pregnancy that you had about two years ago and so this ultrasound is just a check in to see if everything is alright and your next steps, okay?"
"Perfect," I said, laying down on the table, lifting up the bottom half of my shirt.
"This might be a bit cold, Lauren," the nurse said, putting the gel on my skin.
"Hold my hand?" I whispered to Ryan, feeling tears threaten the edges of my eyelid. He smiled and wrapped his big hand around mine, resting it on his face as the nurse started the ultrasound.
"Alright, good news," she smiled. "Looks like implantation went smoothly and nothing seems out of the ordinary for your time frame."
"How far along are we?" Ryan asked quietly.
"9 weeks," the nurse said. "Would you like to see?"
Ryan and I nodded as she turned on the monitor, showing the small form on the screen. She turned on the heartbeat monitor, the heartbeat fast.
"It is a strong little thing," the nurse laughed, moving the monitor. Ryan and I laughed as I let a tear fall down my face.
"It sucks I can't show anyone these yet," I said as we walked out of the doctors office, looking at the ultrasound pictures. "Winter is gonna love this."
"How do you think he will react honestly?" Ryan asked, holding my hand as he called for a cab. "Sharing mommy's lap? Not being an only child?"
"He is a mommas boy," I smiled. "It'll come in time. I think when the baby comes he will be that age where it's like a new toy or a new puppy so it's exciting."
"We will see," Ryan laughed, opening the cab's door for me to climb in.
    "Sir," Ryan said, handing his phone to someone. "Could you take our picture?"
    The man took his phone as Ryan wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheek. I laughed as he did this unexpectedly.
     Ryan thanked the man and we walked around Chicago and the Bean, taking in the scenery.
    "Oh my gosh, you're Ryan from AJR!" A girl said, stopping in front of us. Just then, a swarm of people were around us, wanting a photo from Ryan.
    "That Grammy really boosted us, don't ya think?" Ryan laughed, whispering to me before I was handed another cell phone.
"Winter," I whispered, motioning for him to climb up on the bed. He wobbily got up from his toys and ran to the bed, climbing up the edge and to my lap. Ryan sat beside me, his arm around me. "I have a secret."
"Secret?" Winter repeated, his head tilting.
"A super duper secret only between you and mommy and daddy, pinky promise?" I smiled, holding up my pinky. He wrapped his little pinky around mine, smiling as he did. His brown hair tossled in his eyes a bit.
"Look," I said, holding up the ultrasound pictures. Winter stared at them confused. "There is a baby in mommy's tummy."
"Baby?" He asked, again cocking his head to the side.
"Yep, a baby," I smiled. "You're gonna be a big brother!"
Winter fell silent and the a huge grin was plastered on his face, making Ryan and I bust out into smiles. Winter wrapped his arms around my neck, giving me a sloppy hug.
"I love you, my baby boy," I said, kissing his cheek. "Now, let's get you to bed."
I picked him up and carried him to the pack n play in the corner of the small room. I set him down on his back, shutting off the lights to the room.
Once I knew he was out asleep, I climbed back into bed with Ryan.
"I think he's gonna be okay with it," I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder.
"I hope so," he laughed. "I remember the terror Jack was when he came home."
Ryan moved from his position down to my stomach, hovering over it as he propped himself up.
"I know you won't be a terror," he laughed. "Please don't be like uncle Jack."
I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair as he talked about everything and anything under the moon quietly. He even hummed a little tune.
"I gotta write this one a song too," he laughed, looking up at me.

little cute chapter for ya. pls don't hate me for the next chapter.

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